78. We Need You

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"Okay Sam, coming up on your right." Aura says through their coms from the compound. Sam pulls the vehicle over on the gravel beside the road next to the tall bushes that line. Everyone gets out and looks towards the tall factory that stands before them. The building appears to be much more than abandoned.
"Aura I thought you said it was abandoned." Thor speaks as they all look up at the very modern, industrial building labeled Grand Spirits.
"Well it is.." She trails off, scrolling over her tablet which shows an abandoned building.
"Well it isn't." Sam pipes up.
"It's fine, I'll go in first you lot circle around and come from the sides." Leia directs not letting the minor inconvenience faze her.
"It's fine Buck." She interrupts him quickly before he can say anything to waver her decision.
"Okay, remember the plan. Redwing will follow you." Sam says as they split off leaving Leia to walk the rest of the way by herself.
She locates the door on the side of the massive structure and is glad to find it open as she slips inside. The corridor is dark but short and she comes out into a large room lined with silver stills and barrels. Redwing flies close to the wall, keeping out of sight. It's quiet, eerily quiet and Leia's beginning to think that door being open wasn't such a happy coincidence.

"Hello Leia." A voice echoes off the metal in the large space. The voice makes her jump slightly as her eyes dart around the room trying to find a face. "Oh I'm not going to hurt you, that was never the plan." The voice continues and Leia's eyes catch a glance of a shadow moving out the corner of her eye.
"Then what exactly is the plan?" She asks, worth a shot.
"Ah Leia, you should know better than anyone else.." The mans voice becomes clearer and clearer, footsteps becoming louder and louder. Until a figure emerges from the shadows. "A villain never reveals their plan."
"Diego?" Leia's eyes grow wide as she looks over the man before her adorned in the dark mystical coat.
"Hello darling." His smile is wicked, his eyes dark almost a chrome silver colour. "I see you found Aura too." He stands comfortably, hands clasped behind his back.
"How did you know about Aura?" Leia asks slightly taken aback by his slick words.
"Oh I was counting on her." He grins. "That.. was all part of the plan."
Leia looks at him as shocked as ever. She's not entirely sure what to do.
"Don't looked so shocked sweetheart. Do you really think I'm that daft." Diego's words roll so easily off his silver tongue making Leia's blood boil. She throws a current at him quickly which does nothing at all to phase him as he absorbs the power just like last time. "You don't think I know you've got me surrounded?" He keeps going.
Leia's throws another current at him trying to stick to their plan.
"Well it seems you know it all then." Leia stands up straight hands by her sides, having completed her end.
"Let me guess they're gonna come attack me-" Steve's shield flies through the air and hits Diego's side faltering his balance for a moment. Bucky runs up to the man and fights him hands to hand. They both get several good licks in on each other but Bucky being an enhanced super soldier, he has the upper hand. Leia wants to step in and blast Diego again but Bucky is too close for comfort and she can't risk hitting him. Aura watches the encounter through Redwings feed back at the compound with Loki, Tony and Bruce. Her eyes don't leave the screen for a second worried she might miss something. Tony's body is stiff. Diego, his friend Diego, is the man behind all of this

Bucky kicks the tall man in the stomach and he goes flying backwards but manages to keep his footing. Thor and Wanda run in capturing the mans gloved hands and with that the cuffs of the coat. Sam then flies through the air and slices through the back of the coat creating a smooth cut. Leia walks up to him knowing their plan is about to be complete. Wanda and Thor then pull the sleeves and down removing the coat from the mans body entirely. Diego kicks Leia in the stomach and she tumbles to the ground with a thud.
Aura watches the feed as the garment is cut in two. She waits for the glow which she's all too familiar with in her work but it doesn't come.
"Oh no." She mumbles.
"What?" Loki's quick to inquire.

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