31. Thunder And Mischief

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Steve has visited the pair since they made it out of cryo to see how they're going. And they're so glad to see a familiar face, their oldest friend. It's nice getting to know the village folk and of course there's T'Challa and Shuri but seeing Steve is something else. Steve's always very vague with his movements and doesn't really say what he's been up to. But he says that Nat's doing good, Sam too.


"Shuri!" Leia exclaims as the princess walks down the hill.
"Hi Leia." She smiles.
"I need to talk to you, in private." Leia whispers.
"Okay." Shuri nods and they walk away from Bucky and T'Challa.

"What's up?" Shuri asks.
"It's okay if you say no but I had an idea." Leia grins and Shuri stays silent asking her to continue. "It's Bucky's birthday next week and I thought maybe it would be a good idea to get him a new arm. He's doing fine without it but every now and again I see him struggling a little. Which is nothing I can't help with bu-"
"I know what you mean Leia." Shuri smiles.
"I'd like to help too. I'm not sure why but I've always been fascinated by his metal arm. I'd do everything you ask and I'm good at following instructions... clearly." Leia jokes and Shuri chuckles.
"That's a great idea! He's lucky to have you." Shuri says.
"Really! You don't have to, I just thought-"
"It's alright Leia, we were bound to give him one sooner or later anyway." The princess says. "And I'd love for you to help."
"Oh good, I was hoping you'd say that." Leia is overjoyed.
"I'm glad, but for now, let's go meet my brother. And after that we will discuss further." Shuri smiles and Leia nods in agreement.

Over the next week Leia would travel to the main city of Wakanda to help Shuri in her lab. Where they, well mainly Shuri, developed a new arm for Bucky.

Eventually March tenth rolls around and Leia couldn't be more excited. The pair wake up at just about the same time as the sunlight breaks through their little hut. Leia looks up at Bucky as he opens his eyes.
"Morning." He mumbles.
Leia leans up on her elbows and looks at him. "Happy birthday." She whispers.
"You remembered?" His eyes light up.
"Of course, you're turning 101, you old man." Leia laughs and Bucky shoves her gently.
"Thank you." Bucky kisses her cheek. The pair get up and go about their day as usual. Shuri told Leia she'd bring the gift down but never gave a time, so she's on edge from about the get go.

"Why are you so jittery?" Bucky asks noticing her change in demeanor.
"Oh nothing, I'm just waiting for Shuri- oh there she is!" Leia's face lights up as she sees her friend walking down the hill.
"I thought she wasn't coming today?" Bucky's slightly confused.
"She wasn't, she's just dropping something off." Leia smiles as the princess approaches them.

Shuri places the large case on one of the benches. "Happy birthday." She smiles at the soldier.
"Thank you." Bucky smiles.
"We got you something. Leia and I made it." Shuri flips the latches on the case and Leia claps her hands together.
"Open it." Leia's almost jumping with excitement.
Bucky reaches down to the case and flips the lid up to reveal the masterpiece the women had made. "Oh... wow.." Bucky says but he doesn't sound too overjoyed.
"Do you like it?" Shuri asks.
"Yeah it's nice." Bucky's tone isn't convincing.
"What's wrong?" Leia reads him like a book.
"I... I.." He can't seem to spit the words out.
"Why don't you try it out?" Shuri suggests.
"I was okay without my arm." Bucky finally says and both Leia and Shuri fall silent. "Truth is, the arm sort of reminds me of everything that I've done, and least of all Hydra." It all comes out like a tidal wave.
"Of course, I didn't think of that. It was a stupid idea, sor-" Leia starts.
"Hey, no it wasn't a stupid idea. I appreciate it, so much." Bucky turns to Leia who feels so incredibly guilty. "How about we save it for a time when I really need it, that way it doesn't go to waste." Bucky looks between Shuri and Leia.
"That is a good idea Bucky, you're right." Shuri smiles understandingly, closing the lid and latching it. "Happy birthday." The princess bids them farewell and walks off with the case.
"I'm sorry." Leia can't help but apologize.
"Did you think of that yourself?" Bucky asks her.
"Yeah and it was a silly idea. I didn't think about the connection between you and the arm." Leia confesses.
"It's okay. I really like it though and you helped make it which makes it ten times better." Bucky chuckles.
"Alright." Leia leans into Bucky's hug. "I like you better without it anyway." They both laugh at her statement.

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