hachi {はち}

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A few weeks later

"Y'know," Shinji said, feet skidding backward in the dirt as he blocked Ayame's blade. "Ya could probably learn kido now."

"Kido?" Ayame asked. Her feet pushed off the ground to avoid Shinji's swing.

"Yeh. Demon arts. Ya use incantations to perform spells with yer reitsu."

Ayame gripped the handle of her katana, swinging with all her force. Sparks flew through the air as Shinji blocked the attack, their swords crossing.

"You think I'm ready for that?"

Shinji slipped his zanpakuto back into it's sheath at his side and sat on a rock. "Yep. Yer practically oozin' spiritual pressure. It's time ya learn how to control it."

Ayame sheathed her katana and crossed her arms. "Alright. I'm game. Show me something."

Shinji grinned, rising from the rock. "We're gonna start with the first Kido. They're numbered, each incantation stronger than the last. Someday, ya might be good enough to do nineties level spells without the incantation."

"Can you do that?"

Shinji smirked and walked away from Ayame. He turned and extended his palms. "Bakudo #99: Kin!"

Ayame gasped as black fabric wove it's way around her arms, restricting her movements. She fell to her knees as iron shafts pinned her arms further into place.


"Sorry, somebody provoked me," he said with his cheshire grin. He helped her to her feet and removed the incantation.

"I can see where knowing this would be useful," Ayame laughed, rubbing her arms where the fabric used to be.

"I want ya to try an attack spell first. Hado #1: Shō. Plant yer feet, extend yer index and middle finger towards me, and say 'Force from heaven, align to my bidding, Hado #1 Shō.' Yer gonna have to channel yer spiritual pressure. Ya think ya can try it?" Shinji asked.

Ayame nodded. She adjusted her feet into a kendo stance and extended her fingers. "Force from heaven, align to my bidding. Hado #1: Shō!"

A blast of air shot from her fingers, colliding with Shinji's chest, knocking him backward. Shinji coughed.

"Good job. Ya did it, first try."

"Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" Ayame asked, rushing over.

"Hunny, it takes a lot more than a level one Hado to hurt me," Shinji smirked.

"Okay, good. I don't want to hurt you."

Too late for that, Shinji thought, brushing his haori with his hands. "Let's call it a day, ya?"

Shinji led Ayame back towards Aizen's room.

"Thank you for taking the time to train me, Shinji. I appreciate it."

"Can't have my best friend as a liability, now can I?" Shinji responded.

"I want to make my own way in this life, uninhibited by anyone. You're helping me do that."

Shinji scratched the back of his head. "Why ya still moochin' off Aizen then?"

Ayame frowned. "Our relationship may not be ideal but I do still care for him, Hirako-san."

Shinji sighed. A part of him hoped she'd forget about him while he was away. Alas, he was wrong. "Are ya really sure he cares about ya in the same way?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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