san {三}

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The festival was in full swing. Yamamoto threw an elaborate party for all of the squads to enjoy. Music filled the air, and lights of every color danced around the Squad One common area. Sake spilled from every cup and every lip, and the food tables were loaded with every dish imaginable.

Shinji wandered the Squad One lounge with a cup of sake, looking for somewhere to sit. Squad members were flirting and laughing on every couch, but he wanted nothing more than to retreat to his quarters and listen to the new Duke Ellington record he'd managed to get his hands on.

"Hirako, you're looking rather glum for someone at a party! Maybe you've not had enough sake."

That familiar voice made his stomach flip-flop as he turned around.

"Ayame, hey." She didn't look like she hated him as much as she had during their previous encounters.

"Would've thought you'd be quite the party animal," she laughed, sake tainting her usually clean scent.

"Usually am. Not feelin' it tonight."

"Aw, come on. Stop being such a buzz kill. Let's dance!" Ayame tried to grab his wrist but knocked the sake cup out of his hands and on to the floor. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry! I guess I've had a little too much to drink."

Shinji smirked slightly. "It's alright." His stomach knotted as a familiar reitsu approached.

"Ayame, what are you doing?"

The girl's eyes widened. "Oh, Aizen-kun, I was just talking to Hirako but I accidentally spilled his sake."

"It's okay, I'll just get another glass," Shinji responded, looking at his vice captain.

"Oh let me!" Ayame exclaimed. "I spilled it, so it's only fair I replace it!"

Aizen caught her wrist in his hand. "Hirako-taicho is a big boy. I'm certain he can get a glass of sake for himself," he said in a condescending tone.

Shinji glared at Aizen's hold on Ayame's wrist. "Don't forget yer place, Aizen-fukutaicho. I'm still yer superior, even if we're at a party."

"Aizen-kun, please let go." Ayame pleaded, trying to pull her wrist free.

"Ya heard the lady, let her go," Shinji said, his eyes narrowing.

"Ayame, let's go dance." Aizen said not breaking eye contact with his superior, loosening the grip on his girlfriend.

Shinji watched them make their way to the dancefloor and sighed. How dare Aizen treat her like that. Did he know all that she was capable of? Shinji shook his head and walked back to the drink table and took a shot of sake before pouring himself another generous serving.

His eyes scanned the room and he saw Urahara and Yoruichi sitting on a couch, laughing. He made his way towards the pair.

"Shinji-san! Come sit!" Yoruichi said, clearly intoxicated, before pulling him down between the two of them. "You don't look like you're having much fun, hun, let's fix that!"

"Yeah, Shinji, what's got you so down?" Urahara asked.

"It's nothin'."

Urahara and Yoruichi exchanged a glance and Shinji's eyes found Aizen and Ayame dancing in the sea of other intoxicated shinigami.

"Let's make you forget all about them." Yoruichi exclaimed, guiding Shinji's glass to his lips. "We're four glasses in! You need to catch up."

Shinji sighed and finished his glass. Wouldn't hurt to try and enjoy himself. He needed the distraction.

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