70. What An Honor

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"Incredible!" Bruce claps, smiling. "We'll now take a brief break while dinner is served."
Waiters and waitresses enter the room and serve full plates around each of the tables. One is placed in front of Leia and she just stares at it trying to decipher what exactly it is.
At the exact same time Leia looks at Bucky and he looks at her with similar looks on their faces. They burst out laughing sharing a subconscious notion.
"What is it?" Leia quietly asks, the gourmet meal totally lost on her.
"Um I wanna say lamb but I seriously have no idea." Bucky chuckles.
"Perhaps I'll just stick to the champagne." She jokes picking up her half full glass.
Bucky cuts into the product, trying a piece warily.
"Wait it's actually good!" His eyes widen slightly eating the meal. Leia just looks at him, taking in all his features. God she's missed him more than anything, and is so glad he's alright.
"Here Leia." Bucky holds his fork out with a small piece on it to try. With a smile she takes it and bites it off.
The plethora of flavors hit her tongue and explode within her mouth. She scrunches her nose slightly as the flavor takes over, and she's not too keen on it. Bucky laughs as she forces it down causing her to start laughing too. Leia buries her head in Bucky's shoulder embarrassed to say the least.
Steve watches the pair, glad that they're back talking to one another. He knew they couldn't stay mad at each other forever, it's just not in their nature.
"You can have mine if you'd like." She offers.
"You're not gonna eat?" Bucky looks at her with slightly confused eyes.
"Hopefully desserts better." She chuckles.
'That can be arranged.' Bucky thinks to himself but doesn't dare to say the words out loud.

The group makes conversation around the table until the compares walk back up on stage towards the lectern.
"Thank you everyone, let's jump right back into it." Bruce begins. "Please join me in welcoming Captain Stone to present our next awards."
The room erupts in praising applause as he walks onstage assuming position behind the mic.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, it's great to be with you here tonight. It's my absolute honor to be presenting the Medal for Valor, or should I say medals. The board would like to recognize four individuals this evening, those of which have displayed outstanding efforts of Valor for our world. For their efforts before and after the Blip, Mr Sam Wilson and Ms Wanda Maximoff. And for their efforts before, during and after the Blip, Mr Clint Barton and Mr Scott Lang." The room cheers as the four recipients walk. Leia cheers Sam on as he stands from his seat next to Bucky.
The Medal for Valor! Wow! What an honor. Wanda looks beautiful as she accepts the award, her dress sparkling under the light.
"Congratulations everyone, thank you Captain Stone." Keanu humors into the mic. "I'd now like to invite General Rhodes back to the stage to present the next medals."

"Thank you sir." Rhodey looks out across the crowd stepping into the role. "The Medal of Honor is the United States government's highest and most prestigious military decoration. It is awarded to those of which who have distinguished themselves by acts of high valor. And tonight it is my absolute honor to present this medal to two people. First, to a man I've known for a very long time. For his persistence in finding a way to bring everyone back and his acts on the battlefield, I'm glad to award the Medal of Honor to Mr Tony Stark."

Rhodey can't keep the smile off his face as Tony kisses Pepper and saunters towards the stage. The billionaire accepts the beautiful medal from Rhodey and they hug tight.
Tony stands behind the lectern and sets the medal down. "I know everybody's gonna be expecting me to say something very Tony-esc but that's not happening tonight. This is a great honor though I just did what needed to be done. But let's not forget that this was a team effort, more than anything and everyone played their role.. perfectly. Thank you for this honor." Tony's face holds a tight smile as he raises a peace sign in the air walking off the stage. Everyone claps as the man resumes his seat at his table.

"And secondly, tonight I feel most privileged to award the Medal of Honor to a woman who was family to so many. She fought many battles and risked her life in every one. She strove for success and wouldn't take no for an answer. She gave her life to save not only the people she loved but the rest of the universe also. For her conspicuous gallantry, extreme valor and intrepidity it gives me great pleasure to award Ms Natasha Romanoff the Medal of Honor." Rhodey announces and the whole room erupts in applause. Leia is on her feet in two seconds flat and everyone follows, the applause ringing out through the room twice as long as anyone else's. Her heart lurches in her chest, feeling the hot tears run down her cheeks. She feels Bucky's arm around her waist comfortingly as they watch Steve walk up onstage. Bucky kisses Leia's cheek lightly resting his head against hers.

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