20. Chapter ~ 20 Titan Inside The Wall

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● At the Survey Corps Headquarters ●

Levi shifted slightly, staring doubtfully at the door to Erwin's office.

Levi, along with Hange, Mike, and Nanaba were unexpectedly summoned early in the morning by Commander Erwin.

It was not uncommon for commanders to have meetings without prior notification, making Levi wonder if something had happened.

A moment later, they heard Erwin's voice through the door.

"Please come in." Said Erwin in a low tone.

The four members entered Erwin's office and stood in front of him.

Erwin watched them closely.

"Thank you all for coming, I have several tasks for you that take priority above all else ... don't discuss this with anyone else." Said Erwin with a serious face.

Levi frowned in thought. What is this about?

"Nanaba, I want you to go through the records and find everything you can about the following graduates: Eren Yeager, Reiner Braun, Bertolt Hoover, and Annie Leonhart." Said Erwin, glancing to the right to see Nanaba.

"Understood. Am I looking for anything in particular?" Nanaba looked a little surprised, but nodded.

"As I said, I want everything we have about them. But the most important thing is their existence before they joined the military."

"May I ask why, sir?" Nanaba looked at Erwin doubtfully

"I will be happy to answer that question after you finish your assignment." Erwin replied with a neutral face.

"Understood." Nanaba nodded reluctantly.

"Mike, I want you to go through the records from the outback and give me all the information you can about Rod Reiss, please be as careful as you can."  Said Erwin who averted his gaze.

"Good." Mike nodded curtly.

After that Erwin glanced at the two remaining officers.

"Hange and Levi. Bring Moblit and Levi Squad, tomorrow night I want you all to investigate the wall."

"Investigate the wall?" Hange blinked.

"Erwin, what do you mean?" Levi frowned.

Erwin continued ...

"Bring a new reinforced knife. Find a section of the wall that is empty, and climb up near the top. Use the blade to carefully carve a hole in the wall, observe closely what you see inside the wall, and when you are finished immediately close it again. the hole. "

"Why are we doing this?" Said Levi while raising his eyebrows.

"I will tell you everything after you finish your assignment." Erwin stared at him calmly.

"Good." Levi frowned.

"I want all of you to report back here within two days." Said Erwin and then stood up.

The four of them saluted.

"Yes, sir!"

As they left, Levi found herself thinking about the Commander's strange orders.

I know Erwin must have a reason why he forced us. But what is it?  And why doesn't he share it with us?


It was the middle of the morning, and the newest members of the Survey Corps gathered in the classroom, where they were taught the ins and outs of long-range Scout formation.

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