Thankfully for them both, their efforts don't go to waste as Kiara slowly but surely finishes off as much of the stack of pancakes as she can fit into her small body.

"I really don't want to leave her." Rowan groans like a teenager who is being forced to leave his play station to go to school.

He streches his hands around the back of his head like a child would too and almost pouts in frustration at his little brother.

"Do you think Kelly would mind if I told her I was feeling too sick to go to the premiere?" Rowan follows up, his mind conjuring up endless scenarios and excuses to enable him to spend the day locked up with his new favourite girl.

Kian stands and turns to face his brother with furrowed brows.

"Kelly would murder you and you know it. Why even consider that? You know you have to go Row." Kian crosses his arms shaking his head.

Their shared manager slash agent wouldn't let them miss an event this big even if their arms were falling off.

She was like a big sister to them and one of the only responsible figures in their life. She loved them like family but that didn't mean she'd let them off easy when it comes to their careers.

Even though the woman is still young and has her own growing family, she makes it her life mission to keep their reputations on the straight and narrow whilst booking any possible interview, photoshoot and acting gig she can to grow their names.

Without her, Kian and Rowan would be stumbling from bar to bar every night, getting into fist fights and landing themselves with their mugshots plastered on the front page of every news article across the world.

A bit similar to how they were before she found them when Kian was eighteen and Rowan was twenty one.

They weren't as famous but they were just beginning to be recognised for their talents and the projects they had already partaken in.

It was all starting to get to their heads and inflate their egos when as fate would have it, she was introduced to the pair after being recommended by a mutual friend in the acting industry.

Rowan now swears that his mother and father must have set them on the same path to keep their behaviour in check. That she is one of his and Kian's guardian angels living amongst them.

Rowan sighs and straightens up his posture once again.

"Fine. Fine... I'll go. It's your loss. What are you going to do without me?" Rowan attempts the scare tactic with the new father but to no avail.

Kian smirks and shrugs, mischief swimming in his eyes.

"Me and Kiara are going to have lots of fun, aren't we sunshine?" Kian ruffles her ginger locks and raises his voice to include the said girl in the conversation, all with the motive of making Rowan jealous.

Kiara nods frantically with a food filled grin that makes her father giggle.

Rowan begins to sulk, being teamed up on by the identical pair before him.

"We're going to watch moviesss, have a sing and danceee and then we can go on daddy's computer and buy lots and lots of toys and nice food." Kian sings, framing his words just as his three year old daughter would so that she understands exactly how much fun they're about to have.

Without Rowan.

"Yayyyyy!" Kiara cheers, clapping her hands in pure excitement, flinging sticky pieces of pancake everywhere in the process.

"Well first of all you can enjoy giving her yet another bath this morning. Without me." Rowan stresses with a sarcastic smile, taunting his brother right back.

They really should have considered the fact that bathing her before giving her syrup covered pancakes was completely illogical.

Atleast it is a lesson learnt for every day going forwards.

The girl is a messy eater and insists on having full blown baths.

Maybe she is half the diva I expected. Kian thought.

Rowan knows where she gets it from.

"Nonsense..." Kian waves a hand in dismissal, "...I'll just wipe her down and we can jump in the hot tub again. Make some fun out of it." He shrugs, a proud and boastful smile on his lips.

His Cheshire cat like grin mirrors his oblivious daughters who is beaming at her new favourite phrase; 'Hot tub'.

Rowan rolls his eyes, annoyed at his failed attempts to make his brother feel even an ounce of the annoyance he does for the day ahead of them.

"How are you planning on ordering a bunch of kids stuff without it getting out to the public and press?" Rowan decides to question before completely letting the subject go.

Kian switches his wait to his other leg and tilts his head as he breaths in.

"Well, I figured I'd just use a fake name and leave instructions to have it delivered to Alan at the front lobby. Or maybe our back entrance would be a better idea actually. That way we can load it in our elevator without any prying eyes." He explains.

Rowan nods along in agreement.

"Ughhhhh, I'm so annoyed I can't join in. I don't know what that little rascal has done to us but I'd rather stay in and watch disney films and order piles of toys and cool things to spoil her with then answer the same questions over and over on the red carpet." Rowan complains with a few agitated groans and scowls.

"Welcome to the club brother. Don't worry though, you can buy her anything I forgot once you get back home." Kian placates him with a firm pat on the shoulder, before moving off to clear the table of Kiara's left overs.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n. Oop-this update was unexpected by me and you both 😂😂😂 I was even planning on keeping this and double updating at some point but i physically can't stop myself from publishing it now.

This whole chapter wasn't even planned the scene just kept going and going until I thought I'd just split the chapters into two.

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