Single dad (final)

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Kim Namjoon (series: final):
Namjoon's POV:
It's been a month now since Y/N is here with us and to be honest....It's the best thing that could ever happen. Jennie is so happy around her and for some reason, my feelings are pretty much the same. Me and Y/N got closer and closer, I'm not hurting anymore from my lost, cause she taught me How to be happy again. I feel like I'm falling for her and everyday my feelings get stronger, but I'm also afraid to love again and so I still keep my distance. I'm just scared to date and love, cause I don't wanna get burned or fooled and I also don't want to loose the person I love again, that's the worst feeling ever, besides Y/N doesn't know that I'm a mafia and I don't want to lie to her, but neither do I want to tell her the truth, cause I don't want her to leave. Not her, not another precious person in my life........

Y/N's POV:
It was afternoon and I was playing hide and seek with Jennie. I went almost everywhere, but couldn't find her. The next option that got into my head was Namjoon's office, even though I didn't want to be rude and go there without his permission, I needed to find Jennie and If he find out that she is there than he would be probably angry too, so it doesn't matter. I went into his office and looked under the table and into his wardrobe, but Jennie wasn't there. Just as I wanted to leave, something caught my eyes. It was a photo on his was him, Jennie and probably his wife. I took the photo in my hands and a small key fell from it. I was surprised and wanted to put the key back, but it didn't work, besides curiousity took over me. I put the photo back and took the key. I tried it on couple of things until it fitted into one of the drawers. I took a deep breath and opened the eyes widened when I saw a gun on the top. I gasped and covered my mouth from screaming. I was scared and didn't know what to do. There were some files so I opened them and finally I knew what is going on. The whole time I was living and working under the biggest mafia boss in Korea. 'Gosh, he could've killed me!' I thought to myself. There were also some articles about his wife.....and damn....poor woman. 'How can someone do this to people?' I didn't know what to do, I was scared and also felt a bot betrayed. Joon definetly didn't seem like a mafia, but It's all logical. 'Y/N?!' I heard a voice from behind. I gulped and turned around. There he was, eyes widened and filled with fear and tears that were about to fall. 'Y/N I can explain-' 'Explain what? The fact that you're a mafia or that you didn't tell me and why?!' I yelled and stepped back. The tears that he held were now falling down his cheeks silently. 'I-I didn't want you to leave! You wouldn't stay If you knew-' 'If I knew what?! That you kill people and probably even your own wife?! Yeah, you're right I wouldn't stay with a monster like you! Poor Jennie and your wife as well. I hope she is resting in peace now, cause I guess she never had it!' I yelled out at once, but once I said that, guilt was eating me alive. Joon stood there and his expressions broke my heart. 'Joon I-' 'I'm sorry okay?! I didn't want you to leave, cause I love you and I need you in my life so desperately! And I also didn't tell you, cause you would be in danger. I loved my wife with my whole heart and they took her away from me! Jennie was just two years old when it happend. I searched for her for weeks with no result. Than finally we found her, but it was late. Her body was soaked with acid and I couldn't even do a shit! I couldn't give her one last kiss....just nothing! I can't loose another person that I love Y/N and that person is you. You taught me how to be happy and love again. Please Y/N, you can do anything you want, just please don't leave me, please.....I won't stand it again!' He cried out as I was crying too right now. He fell on his knees while holding his head. I ran to him and hugged him as tight as I could. 'I love you Joon. I'm so sorry for all the things I said. Please, don't cry, I won't leave, okay?! I'm here and I'll be here as long as you want me to.' I assured him and pecked his forehead. 'Thank you Y/N, I trully love you. Please, can we stay forever like this?' I chuckled at his cuteness and shook my head as a 'no'. 'No, we have better plans sir, but I think we can stay like this for couple of minutes.' 'Minutes are not enough for me and also no plan is better than cuddling with you, but okay.' He said and smiled as his dimples showed up. 'This is the man I love. The one and only Kim Namjoon'

A year later:
'Do you Kim Namjoon take Y/N as your wife?' He looked at me and without thinking twice he nodded and smiled. 'Yes I do.' 'And do you Y/N take Namjoon as your husband?' I nodded cheerfully. 'Yes I do.' We looked at each other and I knew this will be an incredible new start. 'Now You may kiss the bride.' The man announced and Joon didn't waste any time as he smashed his lips on me. The love and chemistry that was shared between the two of us was something unforgetable. Everyone began clapping and Jennie jumped into our arms as we laughed together. We ate and drank a lots of things and Jennie went to play with her friends. Joon took me to the dance floor and we were slowly dancing to the rhythm. 'Look at her, she is so incredibly friendly. Don't you think a baby boy would be fine as well?' I asked teasingly as I looked away at Jennie. His eyes widened when I took his hand and placed it on my belly. I looked at him and smiled. 'I was just asking, cause one is already growing in there.' I said and gulped nervously. We stopped dancing and after a while without saying anything, he kissed me. The kiss was different. So passionate and filled with admiration and love. His hand was stucked on my belly and he held it protectively as he softly rubbed it. He pulled away with tears flowing out of his eyes as he smiled. 'I love you so much Y/N. Thank you for all of this. I'll protect you at any cost, I promise.' 'I love you too Joon.'

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