" bobo where were you last night."

"why haven't you replied back to my texts nor my   phone calls... "

"even now i called you. you didnt ..." leaving those unspoken words to  be hung over  the invisible air 

"i was scared that you got hurt or  something... you never done like this before " ( not responding back to his zhange , what so ever was a definite no to bobo  ) still checking him 

"well not hurt " he affirmed him himself  as if this boy knows everything about his  lil'devils in and out 

"but you drank last night didnt you ..." with a  most genuine questionnaire  look but it was a more affirmed expression with determination

bo was stunned , ( how did you ge, i even took EARLY  bath ,  so that you wouldn't find out ) bo was ruffling within his mind 

zhan cuts in "dont you dare lie to me and stop mind talking , i can hear it all. just coz you took a bath early in the morning do you think i wouldn't find out "

bo just chuckle's out  his happy smile  unknowingly... is he happy ...yes he is...yet 

bo "geeeeeeee" trying to deny it yet . how can he. and with who is he dealing with...his  shinigami.....his god of death....his soul reaper ....his one and only zhan ge .....who know him upside down ...

zhan " alight... i will turn a blind eye coz that was your victory party...but next time is a definite NOOOO , got it..."

bo  was totally shocked "ge you know already, i won .... i thought i will say to you directly and looking at your eyes and receive my price -  "foolishly giggling and spilling out his mind words aloud "your smile " making pouting faces like fish lips

zhan cuts in "i know by baby devil well ..." zhan just peck a small kiss over the already mildly messed up bo's hair " you did great  my bo " zhan was now smiling with his hands cooped up over bobos cheeks , which were like hell burning and turning all tomatoish tomatoish.

only made that pink piggy to turn around without a notice to hide it from that one last person he would  ever wish to show off , but being zhan ge as his  zhan ge he know how to deal with his  puppy very well... 

zhan very delicately turns bo towards him , making him to face him , zhan very gently fixes his messy hair due to running still taunting him "dont tell me bobo you ran all the way here... its a hell lot distant from our home ..."

piggy could never lie before his bunny ,  that made  him to only nod  a  gesture of YES a few times... zhan still correcting his bangs with his hands very delicately turning  his mess into a  perfectly prim and fit. 

zhan in taunting voice "you deserve your honeric -  dont you -  MY LIL'DEVIL  - to pop out , out of no where at the middle of nowhere like a devil " finally patting his bangs to rest 

now Zhan's  gaze averted from his bangs and moved down where he saw a real puppy eyes ,bo's eyes were virtually talking to him ( ge i missed you...) there were no words but zhan respond's it with his heavenly silky  voiced words "i missed you to bobo...." finishing it with his angelic smile

and hugged his piggy very dearly ...engulfing him with his embrace , and again his smile didn't miss a chance to leap out...

bo was just happy literally happy he was so damn happy to be with his zhan ge...he loved this feeling , that made him to neither  enquire nor respond back to the queries he was asked to...

zhan " bobo , why are you here... "  zhan was as gentle as a flower with his bo di... bo just wanted to feel it a few more minute's coz it has been two full weeks since he saw his zhan ge...

neglecting all the noises and queries bo just strengthen his clutches at his zhan ge and buried himself within him... hugged his zhan ge very dearly. snuggling in...making zhan to feel ticklish


just as divine a  day is...peaceful...beautiful...delightful...

yet  , 

bo words were to be cut down by  a bunch of screech.... "xiaoooooooooozhannnnnnnnnnnahhhhhhh" 



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