"Hey, Clay and George!"

"Ayyyy! Clay, George!"

"Hey, muffins!"

And a couple more greetings were made as the two sat down. It only took moments before Nick was talking about another party with Alex and Karl, and Darryl and Zak were talking about what their plans for the summer were.

"Hey, Nick. What's this party?" George asked genuinely interested. He hadn't gone to a party since that last one which, as we all know, ended terribly. Yet today he was ready to possibly give it another try.

"Oh, it's just an after school, senior, party. Figured we would have one last huge party before everyone goes off to college or to find new jobs, you know?"

"This party is going to be awesome! Nick, it's only seniors, right? Remember that one party a few months ago, you accidentally gave alcohol to juniors. You got such big trouble." Karl questioned Nick, being cautious as always.

Nick laughed at the mere memory, "Yes, I do Karl and yes, I am having someone who plans on not drinking anything to watch the door." Karl nodded and smiled happily.

"So, when's the party?" George added onto the questions that Nick would soon get.

"Last day of school! Be ready to party till dawn!"

George laughed quietly at the two who were soon back into private conversation. Clay turned to George who was picking at his peanut butter and jelly sandwich he packed for lunch that day.

"You wanna go to the party?" Clay asked, he sounded concerned yet excited. George nodded, though he didn't sound too sure. "Okay, that'll be fun!" He slung his arm around George's shoulders and gave him a kiss on the cheek. George blushed at the gesture not quite used to showing the affection in public, but they had both agreed it was okay.

Lunch ended quickly and they were all separated once again. The school day was going great! Probably the best day in a long while. The rain clashed with the windows, causing a slight fog to appear. George sat by a window in his last class and often on the days the windows would steam over, he would draw little doodles like hearts and smiles, little swirls and circles, most common doodle was his and Clay's initials.

While doodling he would think. Normally, or recently, his thoughts were happy and full of joyousness. But today, something was different. George found himself overthinking the upcoming party, but not only that. He also thought in the same way he did months ago. This wasn't an often assurance, but it did happen everyone in a while. When it did, he would go find Clay and they would go to one of their houses and just chill, watching movies or working on homework together.

I want to go to this party, Clay sounded so excited. I-I am just nervous. I don't want to ruin it for Clay, he's done so much for me, more than I could have ever imagined. He cares so much, too much. He's even planning on staying out of college to stay with me. He has a life; I don't deserve such attention. I don't deserve any of this happiness. Maybe, just maybe, Clarance is finally right.

With that final thought, he crossed out a heart drew. The line was jagged as his hand shook.

He was knocked from his thoughts when the bell rang, and everyone raised from their seats and pushed their chairs in. He too got up, grabbing his backpack and whatever he was supposed to be working on for the last hour. He waited for the room to clear, his mind still bouncing quietly back to his previous thoughts, then he left the room. To his left stood Clay, a happy smile on his face as he looked at his boyfriend.

"Ready?" he asked politely. When George looked at the ground instead of up at his boyfriend, and his shoulders slumped as he let out a hushed sigh, Clay knew today was one of the bad days. He engulfed George into a nice warm hug, which George responded by wrapping his arms around Clay's waist.

They stayed like that for a bit, before separating and heading out the building to Clay's car. Before they could leave the school, George wanted to go up to the library to drop off his finished book and grab a new one to read. He kept up on his reading, doing more as a hobby instead of a distraction. Clay agreed and that's where they walked instead of to the white car which sat in the rain.

Up in the dusty library, Clay gestured over to the magazine rack which is where he would be standing while George found his book. They both assumed that no one of harm would be up in the library for why would there be a reason to. So, they parted. George to the aisles of books and Clay to the rack of magazines.

As George walked along the aisles of tall shelves full of dusty but clean books, something shocking, something surprising, something so scary, popped from the shadows.


No one else was there. Clay gone, shelves and shelves away. The librarian sat in her little nook of overdue books, ready to be put up on the shelves. Just him and Clarance, sat in the shadowed corner of tall heavy bookcases.
1611 Words

Hehe, cliffhanger!

So, I know I said I didn't have much more scary stuff planned and that's because I have this planned but that's it! As soon as this "arc" is over, no more scary stuff, I promise. Pinky promise!

Anyway! Might be a double chapter tonight, but I guess we'll see haha!

Have a good day or night! Stay hydrated!

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