The woman bent down to take a look at the crushed witch, but was met with an empty pair of boots. She quickly got up and let out a shaky breath.

In the reflection of the mirror was something or . . . somebody that she thought she wouldn't ever see again. She fully turned her body around to inspect him. Her real love.

She gasped and tilted her head. "Vision?" She began to walk closer. "Is it really you?"

The pasty white synthezoid put his left hand on her face, "Wanda." He then put his right hand on and began to squeeze her head.

Wanda gasped and put both of her hands on his trying to pry them off. The red-head tried her hardest to get out as she felt herself getting lifted into the air.

"And I was told you were powerful."

Mint green mist with stripes of dark green pushed the man away and threw him into a motorhome that exploded.

Wanda looked beside her and saw a huffing Max who was floating above Vision with bright green eyes and green mist flowing out of her hands.

She was holding onto her skateboard that was looking like it was ready to be broken. And that just what she did. Max snapped the skateboard in half and broke it into little pieces.

Max was skating back home when she saw Wanda getting lifted up by a pure white version of Vision. She guessed it was the original one. Or should she say her father? Didn't really matter to her at the moment, she was absolutely pissed off.

Even though she wasn't on good terms with Wanda, she wasn't gonna let some asshole snap her moms head.

The two adults knew that the young red-head was angry, and whenever Max got angry, all hell would be unleashed. No matter who she was going up against.

Max watched as Vision walked out of the fire and towards her. She angrily grunted and placed herself down on the floor to be face to face with him. The little broken pieces of her skateboard were floating on top of her.

They were about five feet away from each other as they glared at one another. Maxine tilted her head at him and clenched her jaw.

Max floated up and twisted herself around. Her hands holding onto too much magic to handle and she released it all on the synthezoid, pushing him back again. The wood pieces also going into his body from the hard push.

She turned around and floated back to her parents with dark eyes and a creepy voice that sounded like multiple of her was talking at the same time.

"Where are my brothers?" She asked.

Wanda speechlessly looked at her daughter and let out a deep breath. "Inside."

The girl paused for a moment, calming herself down before she would go see the twins. She closed her eyes as she lowered herself down onto the ground, she then opened her eyes to reveal her natural bright blue irises.

Max looked at the two before rushing into the house, not sparing a single word.

"Tommy! Billy!" Max yelled once she stepped into the new looking house that was furiously glitching.

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