I'll Make It Right

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Dazai groaned as he felt the sun hitting his face. He blinked a few times trying to adjust his eyes to the sunlight. Once he finally did he looked down seeing the pregnant omega curled up close to him. Dazai saw how sweaty he was. Dazai frowned. It seemed like the fever hadn't broken overnight. He slowly got up, trying not to wake the man next to him, and headed towards the kitchen. He quickly googled how to make breakfast, since Chuuya usually had done all the cooking. The brunette definitely had no idea what he was doing. About thirty minutes later Chuuya woke up to the aroma of pancakes, and he was now wide awake.

Chuuya leaned up and he felt like shit and he had sweat so much in his sleep it was so unbearable. Chuuya threw the covers off himself and he sluggishly got out of bed. He walked into the kitchen and Dazai gave him a warm smile.

"Good Morning.."

"Morning.." Chuuya said, clearly exhausted.

Dazai walked over and he gave him a nice cold glass of water. "Drink. It'll cool you down a little."

"T-Thanks..." Chuuya grabbed the chair for support, and chuckled seeing Dazai cook. "If I recall you didn't learn how to cook until I taught you."

"Well I won't lie. Google was definitely my best friend this morning. I had to remake these pancakes 3 times!" Dazai whined as he pointed to the absolute disaster of pancakes in the garbage. "But I finally got it right!"

Chuuya giggled while taking a sip of the water. "Well you know what they say. Third time the charm." Dazai smiled and gently hugged Chuuya.

"Come on. Sit down." Dazai pulled out the chair for him and the young male waited until he sat down and he sat the plate of pancakes in front of him with strawberries and blueberries on top. And beside him a glass of orange juice. "You are being awfully sweet today... everything okay?"

Dazai did one of his dramatic poses causing the latter to laugh. "Chuuyaaa I don't only do nice things if I want something."


Chuuya could hear the patter of little feet walking across the floor board and he saw his daughter come into the kitchen rubbing her eye with one hand and holding her teddy bear with the other. "Mama...?" She said softly.

"Hi baby..." Chuuya picked her up and placed her on his lap giving her a small kiss. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Good!" Violetta said happily. Chuuya was playing with her long curly ginger hair.

Dazai had almost forgotten Chuuya and future him; had children. He smiled seeing how she was an exact replica of Chuuya. From her curly ginger hair, to her piercing blue eyes, little button nose, freckles dusting her cheeks and nose, her little smile. She looked like him in every way.

"Baby can you do me a favor and go wake Arsene? Daddy made some pancakes."

"Okayyy!" She kissed Chuuyas cheek and went to wake her brother. Dazais heart melted, at the others' words and a smile touched his cheeks. He saw as both children came down now and sat at the table waiting patiently for their food. Damn so well behaved he thought. He handed everyone their food and the kids, including Chuuya devoured their breakfast.

Chuuya looked at the clock. "Okay kiddos. I have to get you both ready to go with Kouyou."

Dazai looked confused. "Why are they going with Kouyou?" Chuuya stood up shakily. "I have a doctor's appointment to check on the baby. Osamu was supposed to go with me but he isn't here so..."

"I'll go with you." Dazai smiled. In return it made the ginger smile and he silently thanked him. An hour later Chuuya got the kids ready and drove them to Kouyou. He kissed them goodbye and watched his children run inside.

Chuuya panted. "I am really not feeling that great..." The ginger leaned over on the steering wheel. "Can you please drive?"

"Yeah of course..." Dazai switched to the driver's seat and put Chuuya in the passenger's seat. Then a thought struck him. The thought hadn't even occurred to him until now. "Hey Chuuya.. how far along are you?"

"3 months... morning sickness is still kicking my ass... certain smells make me wanna puke. I can't wear cologne, it makes me nauseous. Certain foods I throw back up cause the baby doesn't like it. A lot of my clothes don't fit anymore... growing a baby is a lot of work." He sighed. "But... I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's half of me... and half of you... and that alone is enough for me to tough through it..."

Dazais heart melted and he looked over at Chuuya. "You know I never realized what a softie you became all these years later."

Chuuya blushed a little and shot him a glare. "Hey dipshit, that doesn't mean I can't still whip your ass into shape." Dazai chuckled and his smile widened.

"Plus..." The ginger said softly. "I know you haven't experienced it yet in your time... but having a baby changed everything for us..."

"Really?" Dazai questioned. Chuuya nodded, and he could see sorrow in Dazais eyes. "In my time, Chuuya and I haven't really been seeing eye to eye."

"You have to build his trust back... you lost it when you left."

"I'm trying. I really am.. but it's so hard... he's so distant." Chuuya frowned and gently touched his cheek. "You have to explain how much you love him."

"I've sent letters... I've sent flowers. Anonymously... but I don't know if much of that matters. I know I broke him... I know it... leaving without a word... Chuuya... I know it hurt you..." The brunette gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"It did. It did a lot, but you made it up to me." Chuuya tried to cheer him up, but Dazai seemed to be down in the dumps.

"Tell you what. Your Chuuya is still pissed off and hurt by what you did. But I'm not anymore... I've healed. I can help you be someone that he wants. A man he had no doubt in. But you have to listen to me... and you have to trust me."

Dazais eyes widened and he immediately looked at Chuuya. "Really? You would help me?"

"Of course..." Chuuya smiled. "After all I am married to you all these years later, just an older you."

Dazai was so thankful Chuuya would help him. The brunette pulled into the doctor's office parking lot. He parked and then turned off the car. Dazai got out first and then came around Chuuya's side; opened the door and extended his hand out. "Let's go check on the baby."

Chuuya smiled and took his hand. They didn't have to wait too long before being taken back. The doctor came in and did an ultrasound, and ran some tests.

Chuuya was smiling as he was holding the sonogram. He was lying down on the medical table and Dazai was sitting next to him. Chuuya was showing it to Dazai. "See..." Chuuya pointed. "This outer circle is what keeps the baby protected and gives it nutrients and so this right here is the baby."

Dazai smiled and held the sonogram. "It's beautiful..." Chuuya smiled seeing his face and he could tell Dazai wanted this for himself.

Dazai had done so many things wrong. And he had hurt the one person he truly loved most. Dazai wanted to make it right... no. He was going to make it right. He wanted to be a man Chuuya could depend on and have no doubt in. He wanted to be the man who made him happy. He'd become a better man. For Chuuya's sake. "I'll make this right... I promise..."


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