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A game.

This was all a game.

A game that pits the entirety of Army against one man. The name of the game; Hide and Seek.

The rules:

1. Only Army can participate.

2. No outside help. If this rule is broken, Army forfeits the round and the member in play can not be saved.

3. Find the members hidden all over the world in the alloted time.

4. The chess piece at each location must be collected and replaced with one of Armys.

5. Every member found is Army's to keep, and cannot be put back into play.

6. The game ends when the last member is found, or dead.

The game is a test of Armys loyalty, and power. BTS were kidnapped to be pawns in the game, but they were also the prize, leaving the fandom no choice but to play.

The game would officially begin in three days.

Army all over the world stared at their black screens as the live broadcast ended.

Three days. That's all they had to organize a worldwide fandom to play a game that will span the entire globe.

Three days.

That was all they needed.

So, he wanted to test their loyalty and power, did he? He wasn't the first, nor would he be the last. Army smirked at their dark screens as one thought played in their minds.

'Let's play.'


Army weren't the only ones to see the live, Bang PD, management, and the police present during the broadcast did too. Both South Korean and American law enforcement had called in for tech to try and trace where the broadcast was coming from, as the V-live account was clearly being hacked, but they couldn't get a lock on it, it was bouncing off so many towers located all across the world, leading the tech team down dead ends, firewalls, and encrypted code that led to nowhere.

They were at a loss. What they hoped would be a ransoming, turned out to be something far worse. A game. A game that put human lives on the line.

"Did he seriously kidnap a boy band just to play a game with their fans?" One officer said in disbelief.

Bts' manager spoke then, garnering the attention of the officers in the room, his words causing his staff to nod in agreement.

The american officers looked at their colleague, officer Danny Kim, who was, being korean himself, fluent in the language, " What did he say?"

"If that is the case, then he is a fool." Officer Kim translated.

"Why do they believe that?"

Officer Kim raised a brow at his fellow officers, "It is well known in the K-pop community, the entirety of South Korea, and is gradually becoming common knowledge here, and the rest of the world as well, that Army is extremely powerful in the terms of their influence, especially on social media, and their sheer numbers, as they are worldwide. Their power is incredible. They've raised millions for charities, non-profits, relief funds, hospitals, the homeless, teachers, the list is endless, and all in the matter of a few hours. When organizations, or individuals are desperate to raise money for a good cause, they specifically call out Army by name. I have no doubt that if this was a ransoming, as we originally believed, BTS would've been returned within twenty four hours. 

I've also seen that power bring individuals you'd think are untouchable, to their knees. Everyone from celebrities, multi-million dollar companies, music industries, television stations, and various news outlets, who have, mocked, demeaned, commented anything racist or ignorant, insulting, or outright threatening, toward the idols, or the fandom itself in some cases, has felt the effects of that power, a power that has them issuing public apologies, at best, and losing money, credibility, and even their jobs, at worst. No one who has ever gone up against Army has succeeded."

"Are you telling me this fandom is that powerful?"

"You have no idea."



8:00:59 PM


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"You have 12 hours. The game starts now."

8:01:45 PM

The camera went from a hooded figure in a darkened room, to a young man laying upon, what appeared to be sand, chained down to a large, thick, cement block, the heavy, thick metal chain wrapped tightly around the boy's right ankle. Though his back faced the camera, Army didn't need to see his face to know who they were looking upon. He wore the same clothes he wore three days ago, the night he was taken.

Park Jimin.

The first member brought into play.

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