prologue 1

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Warning ⚠️
-maybe some gore
-some misspelling
-some curse words

Ray's pov

I open my 'glitch-gear' and select my safe place as In a dimension only with my stuff and set up after a couple of seconds I finally got into the universe I went and took a shower and come out with a black shirt that has an eye in the middle, my necklace, dark blue jeans, and a black jacket on my waist I dry my hair and then tie it up.

After I was done with that I went to my desk where the au's are today I'm going to help and try and break the loop in little nightmares starting with little nightmares 2 I then code in and make a design for a boy I won't get details but I made his name tenno I then code him into it and sent his code off to the other dimension

what? You think I'll actually go there? Hell no I just got back from a marvel dimension and I am fucking tired after I code him in i sense that something was wrong as I thought of that a portal open up and a glitch monster came out of it "Great...." I said sarcasm clear in my voice I took my sword out of its hoister on my back and run at it as I went to slash the monster it blocks with it's claws and punched me in the gut

3rd person's pov

Ray grunts in pain as he was punched and was pushed back he took out his gun and quickly shoot it barely missing it's head the monster then ran at him and threw a right hook which he barely Dodged ray then run to the back of the monster and stab his sword through his side as blood starts to gush out of the newly made wound the monster then ran at ray at full speed and head butted him in the stomach as Ray was pin to his desk and cough up

As he looks turns out that he was coughing up blood he play with the setting of the 'glitch-gear' trying to go to another dimension accidentally pressing little nightmares as he was not looking at the screen

Ray's pov

Finally I 'teleport' out of there as I look around I noticed that I was in the sky and was falling at a fast rate as I was reaching for my 'glitch-gear' I touch it and suddenly it was tore off my arm I try reaching for it but it was already gone I then stare up to the sky and thougt  'so this is where I end huh?' As I near the ground i feel someone catch me, my vision blurrs and i feel myself moving, soon everything went black.

Hope you liked the prologue 1, anyways, authors out✌✨

all because of a glitch (little nightmares X male OC)Where stories live. Discover now