Promise?-rengoku and giyuu

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You👆(you can choose the eyes but the hair keep)

Au-gakuen/child(i dont know)
Just a cute baby


M/n pov

I am with papa walking to my preschool which is called kimitsu preschool

Papa:alright chumps ill drop you here ok? Ill pick you up after school

Me:ok papa have a save trip

I soon ran toward my class wanting to meet my bestfriend,sliding the door open then seeing my firey haired and raven haired bff


Kyojuro:waahhh n/n-san you here!

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Kyojuro:waahhh n/n-san you here!

Giyuu:ah n/n-san!

They ran toward me hugging my small body,they are a few month older but it is ok

M/n:hello miss tamayo-san!

Tamayo:hello there m/n-kun

Kyojuro:hey lets play volleyball

Giyuu:yes lets go



M/n: i set then you spike ok

Both giyuu and kyo-san nod eagerly with a pink tint on their cheeks

M/n:ok here i go

I set it up and giyuu running smaking the ball while kyo-san save the ball from fall it to the ground

Three of them:WOOHOO

???:thats so cool minna san!

We look behind only to see two person which is mitsuri and Obanai and both of them look so cute,why you ask? Well both of them wearing weeding dress

Me:waahhh mitsuri-san look so cute in that dress!

Kyojuro:i am agree

We soon heard miss tamayo calling our name for lunch

Us five run in the building then sitting on our dinning table(idk what to say)

I brought f/f which is i made with father while rengoku bought his bento and giyuu bought grilled salmon(i forgot)

We seat with mitsuri and obanai cause why not

While we were eating and hearing kyo-san saying umai at every time he eats mitsuri ask us

Mitsuri:say lets play wedding together

Me:oh oh thats sound fun! Me and mitsuri will be the bride

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