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It's my Birthday today, I am 16 and well I have been through a lot including exams. I have worked most this year away and hardly had anytime to myself so I might be on break for a bit. I am graduating next week and I couldn't be happier; I get to hang up the uniform for good and finally wear what I want to because being Alt is difficult and it's been eating away at me. I have gotten so many birthday wishes and old tapes from my father with bands such as nirvana and The cure on them, I love them to pieces.

School has been hell but littered with good times too, I am grateful for my education and thank my teacher for my English skills. I also wish my friends happiness and good luck because Jesus one wants to be a lawyer and I want to be a organic chemist so oof. I would say school is difficult but trust me everything is going to be just fine.

For anyone who is worried, don't be just do your best you bright, bright person.

Working on a chapter :)

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