Chapter Four - The Missing and the Damned

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"How are you so alright with it?" The question sounded more like an accusation as the two women entered the worn down multi level building.

A sad grin settled over Malika's face. The answer to that question was harder to deal with than many would ever know.

"One of the many perks of being the future leader of our world is going through a ritual and learning about your own personal death." The sadness that threatened to engulf the future leader was beyond measure. She had seen how she would die, felt it in a vision. It was an experience that truly altered how she viewed many of those around her.

"That's fucked up." The casual tone of Olivia's voice was soothing and distracting at the same time. "Can you tell anyone how you die? Or when?"

Feeling Olivia's curious gaze on her, Malika shrugged. "There are limitations to what I can say."

"Naturally." Olivia's response was quick. The nature of fate in the supernatural world was fickle at the best of times.

"I know exactly how I die, I have a rough idea of where I will die." Another pause before Malika continued. The two walked into a large empty room. The wall height windows were painted white on the inside to keep people from peering in. "But I don't know who kills me or when."

The last words had Olivia's full attention focused on Malika. "You're going to be murdered?"

A bitter laugh escaped Malika at the question, "many of my predecessors have. I guess you could say it's a hazard of the job." A gnawing feeling bit at Malika, at her revelation to Olivia. Of course there were lies in there, but Olivia didn't need to know that Malika knew everything about her imminent death.

She knew where she would die, how she would die and who would kill her, but Malika didn't know when. The future leader of the supernatural world would never reveal who would kill her to anyone else. The pain of it was something she still had trouble dealing with.

"That's tough. I guess it's something people don't really think about on the outside." Silence again between the two women before Olivia spoke again. "Is there any way around it?"

A chuckle tore through Malika before she regained her composure. "There are always loopholes in our world. I have yet to discover what I could exchange in order to save my life."

Although self preservation was important to Malika, she didn't want to know what it would take for her life to be spared. She also wasn't willing to sacrifice anyone she loved to ensure she lived.

Looking around the empty room they'd entered, Malika noticed an open door leading down a long, white corridor.

"Elisco?" Though she hadn't intended to be, Malika's voice was shaky when she spoke the name of the person she sought.

"Yes, Lady Hawthorne?" A wispy, almost absent voice responded from behind the women, which made them both jump and yelp at the same time.

"Jeez." Olivia placed a hand to her heart and wheezed. "Can't give a lady some warning before you sneak up on them?"

Turning towards the man, Olivia stiffened when her eyes landed on the person they sought. He was different, looked different to anyone she had seen before.

Casting a glance towards Olivia, Elisco's lips curled into a semi-smile when he noticed the look on her face. So did Malika's.

"Normally I have an assistant that greets guests," he grinned knowingly at Olivia before casting his glance towards Malika, "but Jonah is currently missing."

The words hung between the trio for a moment before anyone spoke. The absence of any kind of worry or concern was absent from Elisco, despite the words he'd said.

"Wait, a minute. Missing? Have you reported it?" Both Olivia and Malika glanced towards each other, concerned with the revelation.

The room was silent for some time. Elisco seemed puzzled by why the women would concern themselves with his missing assistant. Malika could see it clearly on the man's face. "Should I report it?" The muttering of words was from Elisco, who had a curious look on his face.

"Let me ask you, is it normal for Jonah to not show up for work?" Malika's question was firm, alarmed by the man's cold and aloof response, before remembering what he was. "I understand in the Krux world it is normal for your kind to wander but in this world, in the world we share with humans, it's different."

Putting an index finger to his chin the Krux was silent for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. "Jonah Stetson is normally a punctual young man. He has only ever been late just once, and he cried for half the day because of it."

Olivia snorted. "Are you sure he was crying because he was late? Maybe he was having personal issues." The room fell silent again as Elisco studied the woman carefully.

"Perhaps. The ways of mortal fae are not something I am accustomed to, despite the time I spend among you." His tone was casual, seemingly unbothered by his assistant's absence. "I know for certain that he is not dead. Perhaps then I would be more concerned."

"I'll look into Jonah's whereabouts when I get back to the office." Olivia nodded towards Malika, "we should really talk to him about our reasons for being here."

"I know why you're here, Olivia." Elisco grinned, gaining the attention of the two women. "The body parts from this morning have my kind in a flurried frenzy as well." With a wave of his hand, the room they'd been in previously dissolved and a new one materialized. A dark room with light saturating the trio materialized around them and caused Olivia to lurch, as if she were going to be sick. With a click of Elisco's fingers, it filled the room with soft light and revealed a long hall of small metal doors.

"How do you know my name?" Olivia peered with great curiosity. "I didn't offer it to you." The Krux knowing her name unsettled her more than it should have.

Glancing towards her, Elisco's dark eyes held so much that Olivia couldn't hold his stare for long, too afraid of what she might see.

"I know your name because I was the one that reaped your parents."

This chapter is over a week late so I apologize to anyone reading as I post

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This chapter is over a week late so I apologize to anyone reading as I post. The next chapter is also likely to be late too. The story has already massively deviated from the original plot and though I had planned for it to happen it's taking me just as long to make things make sense.

This chapter is really a lot of bones without much meat but I will bulk it out with words when I do a first full edit of the (hopefully) completed story.

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