S.1 What Bullying Can Actually Do?

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Their was once a happy child, he loves to go to school, he is hardworking, smart and good-hearted. The only uncongenial thing about him is that he is very shy. He performs well in academic yet his performance is low. He can be barely seen in any school-based events and programs.
He avoids crowd, obviously.

Aside from other school stuffs, the only thing that's with him all the time is his small personal handbook and pen. Everytime he's alone, he writes something on it. No one gets to hold it. It looks like he's keeping secrets inside the book.

There's always loneliness in his eyes. One time his teacher caught him crying, while writing something on his book. But, he doesn't talk everytime the teacher asks him about the problem. He must be going through some stress.

The following weeks, the boy did not show up. The teacher was worried so she went to their house after school. As she enters the gate, she saw lots of people. One girl approached her and asked her if she's there for her student's burial. She was shocked by the time she knew her student committed suicide. She felt sorry for him.

The mother came to her and told her a story. The mother said that her son was not like that before, she adds that her son was a joyful child, in fact he was a former dance group member and had joined in several dance contest. Afterwards, the mother said that before the day her son committed suicide, he gave her a small handbook and strictly told her to open it the day after tomorrow, which is right after he committed suicide. The mother told the teacher everything inside the handbook. It says that the boy was severely bullied. By the time, the boy was going through gender crisis and someone knew it. He was mocked by that. He did not make it through, so he ended up with suicide.

Be careful with what you say, try to identify which one hurts, which one don't.
No to bullying please!

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