Part 26 Feel... Loved.

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I finished packing up my suitcase of stuff. I hated to leave New York but I had bills to pay and people to see back home in cali too. Beth and Harry decided to stay with Benny in New York a couple more days and then head back to Kentucky.

"Hey you uhh you ready to get off?" Benny asks as he arrived at the bedroom door where I had been packing

"I think so, anything I've missed just send me okay?"

"Yeah, I will" he nods a slight blush in his cheeks "I'll drive you to the airport"

"Thanks Benny" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss coming out with my case and before I could breath beth gave me a tight hug

"Call me, so we can sort this party out I wanna come have some cali wine"

"Will do beth" I smiled giving her a kiss "don't make too much of a mess of benny's house without me"

"Don't tell me what to do"

"Bye bye harry," I smiled giving him a cuddle "you are now the most sane person in the flat, you must keep control"

"Why did you give me this job?"

"Because beth will abuse it and benny is too dumb"

"Hey!" Benny complained

"What? You are"

"Are you seriously trying to tell me Harry is smarter than me?"


"I'm us champion, he's got his butt kicked as kentucky regional leader three years running"

"World champion over here but I'll just shut up as this is clearly a battle for second place" Beth giggled

"In chess yes benny you are smarter than harry. But, Benny, you don't understand how like... life stuff works."

"Yes I do"

"How do you get a mortgage benny?"


"What is a compound interest?"

".... being intrigued by buildings?"

"Hu?" Beth asked

"It's a compound. And you're interested in it? Yes..."

"No benny, what is the capital of Iceland?"
".... lcelandia?"

"See, the brain is full of chess. And little else"

"Hey! I am the one driving you to the airport, remember?"

"Speaking off lets go I need airport coffee" I said I gave harry and beth another hug and kiss each before heading out into the car with benny, Oddly enough we drove the new york streets in silence his hands tight to the wheel as he drove till we parked up in the bay at the front of the airport "Soo..."

"Yeah, You uhhh you have a nice flight home y/n. Give us a call when you get home okay?"

"I will" I smiled

"I uhh... I'm sure I'll call you once everything's settled"

"Yeah, I'm sure you will benny. Have fun with beth and harry"
"There probably having sex on my bed aren't they?"


"I think I'm gonna buy a new bed"

"Just clean it?"

"Nope, I don't think cleaning is enough I need a new one"

"You have fucked all of us?"

"So what I still don't want harry and beth's sex... junk all over my bed" He says "I sleep there, I think there, I read there"

"You mastubate there"

"... and when do I need to do that?" He smirked "I've got you"

"Well you got just beth and harry now"

"For now"

"I need to go"

"I know, I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, sure benny" I nodded going to open the door


"Yes?" I asked

He took my arm and kissed my lips, but this was different, I had kissed Benny so many times. But this was different, no lustful groans, no grabbing, no fast heat, no fire of passion, no sexual urge behind the kiss. It was... soft, slow, with a quiet passion in the kiss, his hair tickled me a little as we kissed, It felt like a kiss when... Your father kisses your head, when a gentleman kisses your hand, Like as he kissed me he was scared of losing me forever the moment I stepped away, like a soft sweetness I didn't know how to respond to. I felt as if for a moment I truly knew what it felt like to be cared for, to be cared about, to be loved. Not desired, Loved.

A car Beeped behind us making us both jump away from each other

"I'll call you when I get home benny"

"Okay, I'll uhh I'll be waiting for your call" He says "Y/n. I uhh I umm... I'll talk to you soon"

"Talk soon Benny" I smiled, giving him a kiss before getting out the car and taking my bags heading inside the airport feeling the heat of the blush in my cheeks. 

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