Infiltrating Marley

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Jean handed you the object, which was some sort of cold cream in a thin wafer cone. You licked the substance and you immediately felt the coldness in your mouth. "It's so sweet!" You smiled brightly as you took another lick. "Your first time having ice cream?" The vendor laughed as he watched all you guys become giddy over the treat.

You looked back to Hange and Levi, who were right behind you guys. "Hey, that isn't your purse." Levi pointed at Sasha's back. You looked down to see a small boy, wearing a fez. You all turned to look at the kid, and so did the Marleyans around you.

"He must be an immigrant."

"How did he get here?"

"He must have snuck on a ship."

"Why don't we toss him into the sea?"

"No. Let's smash his right hand."

"Let's hang him up somewhere everyone can see and let him dangle there."

You felt yourself become enraged as you listened to the people talk about what to do with the young boy. "Who knows, if he's an exiled immigrant, he might even be one of those Subjects of Ymir! Every country has been running blood tests all over the place recently." With one swift hand, Levi grabbed the boy and placed him under his arm.

"The purse is his older sister's. Who said he was a pickpocket. I just said the purse wasn't his." Levi began walking away from the crowd and Sasha looked back, clasping her hands together. "Y-Yes, I'm really sorry about my little brother!" Jean hurried you along to follow Levi and the others.

"You expect us to believe that!" A man yelled from the crowd and they began rushing towards you guys. "Let's go!" Levi shouted and you all raced through the crowd of people on the pier. You giggled as you looked back at the people chasing after you and the little boy, only to see them vanish in the streets.

"Where'd that kid go?" Levi came to a stop once you had lost the guys. You looked around and spotted the kid standing on a pile of dirt, holding up a bag of coins. "Right there." You let out a sigh and everyone turned to look at the kid, who quickly disappeared.

You stood in the corner of the room with your arms crossed as your eyes focused o Miss Azumabito. She sat on an elegant couch across from Levi, Mikasa and Armin. "It will be hard for Paradis Island to develop relationships with other nations right now." She looked to Armin as he looked deep in thought.

"Still, if we abandon the path of peace, we'll have no choice but to conspire with Zeke. We'd be forced to sacrifice the lives of the children that Historia will give birth to." Armin looked at Miss Azumabito in the eyes. "Our hopes lie with 'The Association to Protect the Subjects of Ymir' appearing at the international forum being held tomorrow."

Hange spoke up as they stared at the ground in front of them. "It looks like if we can cooperate with them... we will be able to declare that Paradis Island seeks peace." Miss Azumabito nodded her head. "The Azumabito clan would like to bring peace, but just how realistic is it?"

The room was silent as everyone thought about Miss Azumabito's words. "Where's Eren?" Mikasa asked as she looked around the room. You looked around the room and failed to see the green-eyed boy. Mikasa stood up from the couch and exited the room. Your eyes followed her as she disappeared.

"Where the hell did those two go?" You asked as you walked around in the night, looking for the two comrades. "Who knows. Wait-" Connie brought up his arm and pointed to the several figures that were outlined in the dark. "What the hell are you doing Eren?!" Jean shouted out as you guys got closer to see Eren and Mikasa talking to a man wearing a fez.

"Perfect timing." Eren said with a soft voice, motioning for you guys to come with him as he entered a large tent that was dimly lit. You guys walked into the tent to see Eren and Mikasa sitting on the ground around a large rug that was set out. The people with them had fez's as well and you recognized the boy from before.

You moved around the rug and sat in an empty spot. The other soon joined in and stared at the food in the center of the rug. There were cans of water and Eren reached for the one in front of him. He took a sip and the man sitting next to him smiled. He spoke, but the words that came from him were a different language.

The man stood up from the rug and walked over to the other side of the tent. He picked up several bottles of wine and held them up. The faces of everyone lit up as the wine was passed around and poured into the cups. "I like this." Jean said as he took a sip of the wine and nudged you. You took a large gulp, feeling the smooth red wine travel down your throat.

It didn't take long for you to feel like you were floating. Your face was burning up as you continued to drink more wine. Some of your friends were passed out already. Armin and Mikasa were passed out on the rug and Sasha was in the corner vomiting into a bowl.

"H-Hey... Jeanie. You're hot." You hiccupped as you swayed while talking to Jean. He smiled, pulling you into his lap and stroking your hair. "You drank too much, my love." Those were the last words you remembered before blacking out and sleeping in his lap.

"I'm sad to go already." You whined as you dragged your feet as you boarded the ship. "Come on crybaby." Jean grabbed your arm and pulled you onto the ship. "We were there for only a little bit." You huffed as you leaned against the railing as the incline rose back up.

"Mhm. We can't stay here forever." Jean sighed and swung his arm around your shoulder. "Jean... Something is going on with Eren." You whispered as you looked over at Mikasa and Armin, who looked empty without Eren. The last time you saw him was at the International forum. The boy you met back in the training corps was gone, he was no longer seeking to destroy titans.

"Of course he has. Ever since the hearing about the displaced Eldians, something clicked for him. I don't know what, but I wouldn't put it past him to make a reckless decision." Jean looked out in the distance as the ship took off. "I wonder what's going on in that thick skull of his." You leaned your head against Jean's body.

"Don't think too much about it. Everything will work out."

"Y/N! Y/N! We received a letter from Eren!" Sasha chased you down the hallway. "Are you serious?" You quickly turned around and Sasha grabbed onto your arm. You and her ran down the hallway towards Hange's office. Sasha burst through the door and you looked around at everyone standing in the room.

Levi held a piece of paper in his hands and everyone was peering over his shoulder. Their faces told it all. By the looks of their frowns and furrowed eyebrows, it wasn't good. "What did he say?" You joined the group and Levi passed the letter to you.

I will join Zeke's plan in order to bring peace. I have assumed the identity of Eren Kruger. I will send more information when I can. I have made some valuable relationships here. They are close to Reiner. Expect another letter from me, but in the meantime, prepare. Marley has won the war in the Mid-East. We can not let them continue this.


You paused as you reread the letter over and over again. "So he's just gone?" You asked as you handed the letter back to Levi. "Looks like it. In the meantime we can only wait and prepare." Hange pointed over the their desk. You looked over to see the rolls of paper scattered across it.

"I'm working with Yelena and Onyankopon in order to make aircrafts, so that when the time comes, we can help Eren in Marley." You nodded your head and looked around at the others. "Right, then let's get back to work."

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon