Ohm - Movie

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Ohm forced Fluke to go outside his room and eat lunch with him. The table still silent but he can't help smiling upon seeing how fast and the chubby cheeks of Fluke while eating.

"Slow down, the food is not going anywhere. You are eating as if you didn't eat since yesterday", he jokingly said but Fluke's expression change.

Ohm wanted to punch himself for being insensitive. The younger's expression said that his joke indeed is true.

"Do you have plans after eating?", Ohm carefully asks.

Fluke look at him and move his head on the side as if thinking. "Cute", Ohm said to himself. He didn't know this side of Fluke.

He see the small one shake his head, "Let's go watch a movie".

They just got out from the movie house that was located at Siam Paragon. He look back to ask what the younger wants to eat when he can't find Fluke.

He look around and found what his looking for talking to someone, he walk towards them and frown.

"Hi, are you alone? Wanna have some dinner with me?", the guy asks. Fluke  fidgetting and looking around, his face light up upon seeing Ohm.

"Hey, I've been looking for you,", Ohm approach them cooly. The guy look at him then to Fluke.

"Oh! You're with a friend. Can I have your number instead?", Ohm starting to get annoyed so he walk towards Fluke and grab his hands.

He raise Fluke's left hand, glaring at the stranger. "I'm not his friend, I'm his husband", he said pulling the smaller body closer to him.

The guy raise his two hands as if surrendering, "Aww, sorry man. I thought his alone because he got tripped while getting out of the movie house and no one is beside him".

The guy scratch his head and run away from them. Ohm face Fluke, suddenly worry. "Are you okay?", he asks, carefully put his hands on the latter's chin so he can look at his face.

Black eyes meet brown one, "I'm fine, thank you. I just got caught in sea of people a while ago".

Ohms sighs, fix Fluke's bang then walk. His hands still holding the younger's left hand, "Where do you want eat?".

He look back and see how Fluke blush when he caught him looking at their hands. He smile, then heard the younger mumble, "I want a pizza".

It's quarter to nine in the evening, Ohm is humming while driving. He look on his passenger side, Fluke already sleeping on his seat.

He look at his left hand which holding the wheel. They reached their house, he didn't bother wake up the sleeping one instead, he carefully remove the seatbelt, he put Fluke's arm on his neck and carefully lift him on his arms.

He walk upstairs followed by a maid who open Fluke's room, he thank the maid and ask her to leave.

He carefully put the small body to bed, removing the arms on his  neck. He smile upon seeing the ring on the small hands, kissing it softly before covering him with a blanket.

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