Ohm - Sorry

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Ohm walk towards the dining room and noticed that there was no food not coffee yet on the table.

He sit, waiting and look around, "Where's Fluke?".

The head butler of the house answer his question, "Sir Fluke is still asleep".

Ohm frown but accept the coffee that is given to him. He sips, it tastes different so is the food. He eats slowly to wait for Fluke.

He already left the house but no sign of Fluke. He go straight to his office. Do his work, sign papers, read some reports. It's almost lunch time when he heard a knock on his door.

His secretary Prem walks in, hiding something behind him. Ohm frown.

"Sir, uhm, here, I already washed it", Prem put a food container in his table.

Confusion is written on his face as he looks at Prem and the food container place on his table.

"Please tell Sir Fluke, the food is delicious", Prem smile as if remembering the taste.

"Fluke?", Ohm asks, confuse still.

"Yes Sir, he went here yesterday said that you have a lunch together but he went home", Prem explains.

"Yesterday? Why did he went home then? Why you didn't tell me about it", Ohm let go of the papers his holding. Glaring at Prem.

"I'm about to call you but the intercom buzz and you said you will have a lunch with Miss Selene", Prem scratch his head and look down.

Ohm suddenly feel numb. Fluke was there when he said that he will have lunch with Selene. He forgot about his lunch with Fluke. Shit.

Ohm suddenly stands up, grab his coat. "Cancel all my appointments, I'm going home", Ohm said and walk towards the door.

Ohm drive back home, "P'News, where's Fluke?", he head caretaker  of the house.

The old man think for a while before answering, "He is still not getting out of his room, Sir".

Ohm cursed silently and go upstairs, stop at a certain door. He knocks but nobody is answering.

He knock again and the same time call the younger's name, "Fluke? Fluke?".

A few minutes later, he heard a snap and the creak of the door. The door open, a small figure peek on it, "P'Ohm?".

Ohm suddenly feel guilty, there's something in Fluke's voice. He feel nervous as well, "Can we talk?".

The door open widely. Ohm suddenly freeze looking at Fluke, messy hair and swollen eyes.

The smaller guy point the chair in his room. Fluke climb in his bed, looking at the window.

Awkward silence fills the room. Ohm sighs, "I'm sorry, Fluke. I forgot about our lunch together".

"It's okay, no need to apologise, P'Ohm. I know where I stand", he heard Fluke said. Those words hits Ohm differently, it brings pain in his heart. The smiling face he see in the morning is nowhere to be found instead a gloomy Fluke is sitting on the bed.

The younger is not even looking at him, he don't know why probably guilt but he can't take the look on Fluke's face. He stand up, sit on the bed beside Fluke and grab the small body for an embrace.

"Sorry Fluke"

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