"The Original hated the Senju." She said.

"And you don't?"

"No, I don—-!"

The world spun.

"Your memories say differently." The man said. "You really ought to stop lying to yourself, Izuna-san."


What are these?

Her chest hurt.

Her heart ached.

"Have you forgotten who killed your brothers?"

My bro- that's right... the Senju killed them... how could I have forgotten?

She remembered the agony of their deaths.

She remembered swearing vengeance.

She remembered—-

She remembered—-

"Your brother is dead."

Izuna blinked.

"He was ambushed by the Senju." Tajima told them. "He died in the attack."

Madara stood abruptly.

He was shaking.

"I told you he wasn't ready!"

"Silence." Tajima snapped. "He died fighting honourably. He killed them before succumbing to his wounds."

"How can you say that?" Madara asked. "There is no honour in dying young!"

"Enough, niisan." Izuna said sharply. "Father is right. He died for a cause he believed in... do not take that honour away from him."


"If it bothers you so much then go and destroy his killers." Izuna tilted her head.

Madara gaped.


"If you won't then I will." Izuna said and stood. "Your heart is soft, niisan. It will get you killed one day."

She walked away and found the culprits.

She burned them to cinders.

And delighted in their screams.

The world spun again.

"That wasn't me."

The man stared at her with pity.

"T—that... that wasn't me!"

He grabbed her hand.

"So it wasn't these very hands that ended their lives?"

She couldn't breathe.

"No—-yes—-I didn't mean—I didn't want to!"

Then why does she remember feeling so delighted when they died?

She remembered—

Stop, stop, stop! Please—-I—-

"Let me explain something to you." The man said with a sigh. "I am in the soul business. You and the Original are one and the same."

Green eyes clashed with red.

"You are the Original with the memories of another life."

He stepped towards her.

"If you keep denying that you will go insane." He explained matter-of-factly. "You cannot continue to deny your full self else you will not survive this world."

He reached towards her face.

She flinched.

He paused, and gently brushed a strand of hair from her eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes, Izuna-san."

Who are you?

Why are you doing this?

"I am Death." He replied. "And I am trying to help you."

"You're t-trying to make me hate them."

"I am trying to help you reconcile your memories." He corrected. "Both memories."

"Don't!" Izuna turned away. "I don't want to remember any more! I don't—-I don't want to feel—-!"

The anger and hatred of the Original.

"You don't understand!" She said. "You wouldn't—-I—-"

The man stared at her.

She fell silent.

His eyes were understanding.

He did understand.

"A man killed my parents."

She froze.

"And I killed him—not because I hated him even though I did but because I knew if I didn't he would kill my family." Death said. "And I gave him a chance."

"A c-chance?"

"A chance for remorse."

Suddenly, Death seemed so, so, human.

He seemed very tired.

"I never wanted to become Death, Izuna-san." He said. "You never wanted to become a shinobi. But to protect our love ones..."

"We become our worst selves." Izuna whispered.

"Or our best."

Izuna straightened.

"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." Death quoted.


Death smiled.

"Do you know who you fight for now, Izuna-san?"

She did.

I fight for my family.

"I fight to protect my precious people."

Death nodded.


Hesitantly, Izuna spoke.

"Harry Potter."

Death froze.

"Thank you." She said.

The world began to fade.

"No," said Harry. "Thank you."


Izuna's breathing came to a stop.

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