8; Letter

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Chapter 7, Isabella Corey;

I woke up to smelling Draco. His minty breath, him letting out a small snore.

He looked so peaceful. I mean, he's sleeping, letting out soft small snores. That's cute.

He woke up and looked straight at me.

"Morning darling," he said. "Rude to stare in the morning hours"

"Oh shut up I know you like it when I stare at you" I said. His lips formed into a smirk, knowing I was right.

I got out of bed and began to put on my robes for today.

"Draco get your lazy ass out of bed, we have school"

"Why would I want to go to class, if I can have this view the entire day?" he said, looking amused at me, who was standing in front of my wardrobe, with only my skirt and a bra on.

"Draco seriously, if you don't get out of bed, no sex for a month" I said giving him a death stare through the mirror.

He shot up and began to get ready.

While we were getting ready, my family owl arrived at the window.

Sophia hated owls, and started running around the room.

I went over to the window, opened it and grabbed the letter. I gave our owl a snack and she headed off.

To; Isabella

From; Father

Fuck. I slowly opened the letter


It's just 1 month until Christmas break, and you will stay at home. I will not change my mind, it is already decided.

Me and your mother will share some news with you, once you arrive. I don't give a shit whether Jean comes or not. You will be there.


No fuck no. Why the fuck would I wanna stay with him for Christmas break. If they're not divorcing, I will not hesitate to leave the household and do everything I can to save mother.

That shit is not my father anymore.

"Bella, what's wrong?" Draco asked, walking out of the bathroom.

I stood there with the letter in my hands.

"F-father wants me home for Christmas..." I said.

"Are you kidding?"

I shook my head, slowly turning around to look him in the eyes. Tears forming in my eyes, he ran over to me and embraced me into a tight hug.

"Bella I'm so sorry you have to go though that" he said.

I silently cried, listening to his heart beat. I can't be weak. What will father think then?

Draco held me the entire time.

"If you want to, I can go tell Snape you aren't feeling well, and I will watch you?"

I nodded, because honestly, the thought of having to be with my father, without my sister the entire Christmas break, made me nauseous.

Draco kissed my forehead, and led me to my bed, laying me down.

"I'll go tell Snape we will be out for the day, and I'll grab some food for us, alright? I'll be back soon darling" he said, kissing my forehead again before heading out the door.

I just layed there, scared of what father would tell me. He would probably not let me bring a friend over. Perhaps Draco had a chance, since he's from a powerful family.

Yet again, our family owl came. The knocking on the window made me realize fast who it was.

I dragged myself out of bed, walking towards the window. I opened the window, as our owl flew in fast, almost stressed.

"What's wrong?!" I asked the snow white owl.

Squeaking, she handed me the letter and started flying around the room again, before crashing into a wall and falling to the floor.

What the fuck is wrong with her, she doesnt do this.

The letter wasn't addressed or anything. I opened it slowly, scared of what could be inside.


Do not come home for Christmas break, it's too dangerous, your father is threatening to kill us all. I'll be fine, don't worry, I'm on the run away from him.

I managed to grab the most necessary stuff for my survival, without any tracks of me. I left while he slept.

Love, mother'

She wants me not to worry, but yet, she's on the run. What has gotten into him?! He used to be the nice caring father towards both me and Jean, but now he's a monster.

He's mentally unstable, definitely. Just fucking divorce my mother and let us all be.

"Bella, darling, what are you doing out of bed?" Draco asked. I looked at him, the letter in my hands.

"Another letter? Let me see" he said, putting the food on the nightstand and grabbing the letter out of my hands.

As he read it, I couldn't help but think of the state my mother must be in.

"It's okay darling, stay with me, I think my mother will be more than happy to have another beautiful woman stay with her"

I nodded and thanked him, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and softly kissed my lips. 

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