5; Pansy and Blaise

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Chapter 4, September 2, Isabella Corey;

"How is it like at home for you?" I looked up to see tears in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

What did he mean by that? 'How's it like at home?' I went over to him and gave him a hug, which he returned. He pulled me onto his lap. He didn't let me go.

"Isabella, how is it at your house?" he asked.

"It's fine I guess, I mean, I'm sure my parents aren't being honest with me, but my father is treating my sister like shit, because she's a Gryffindor" I said.

"Please don't be mad, but," he let out a big sigh, followed by some small sobs. "My parents are death eaters," he said. I looked up from our hug and stared into his eyes.

"They are death eaters?" I asked.

"Yes, please don't be mad, no one knows this, please, Isabella!" he said.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise" I said and laid my head into the crook of his neck, rubbing his back softly.

"What's happening here?" Pansy asked, walking in looking like a mess and smelling like sex.

"Ugh Pansy go shower!" I say.

"But what happened, are you okay Malfoy?" she asked.

"I'm fine"


"He's fine okay?"

"Okay, anyways me and Blaise will be staying at his dorm tonight" Pansy said and left.

"Can I stay at yours?" Malfoy asked when she walked out.

"Fine, Malfoy"

"Call me Draco," he said.

I nodded.

A few hours later we walked to my dorm to go to sleep. I grabbed my largest hoodie and sweatpants and handed it to him and grabbed myself some clothes.

"Go ahead, change in the bathroom!" I said softly, pointing to the door and he walked in.

I started changing, and stood in shorts and my bra when he walked back out.

"Draco!" I screamed at him.

"Shit sorry" he said, covering his eyes. I quickly put on my shirt.

"You can look now," I said.

He looked at me.

"Where will I sleep?"

"The couch, its soft and I brought some blankets and pillows over there," I said.

He nodded and went to sleep on the couch.

I couldn't sleep. I decided that I would go for a walk, since he was sleeping I could tip toe over to the door.

I slowly pulled my covers off, and began tip toeing over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Draco said as he sat up.

"I can't sleep," I said and stopped walking.

"You're gonna get caught," he said. "Now why can't you sleep?"

"I guess it's nothing, I just can't sleep, it's sometimes like that"

"Want to lay with me?" Draco asked. I hesitated, but agreed.

"Fine, but in the bed though" I replied, and he got out of the couch.

We walked over to the bed and layed down.

He laid down on one side of the bed, and me on the other.



"Can I cuddle you?" he asked. "I know we're not together or anything, and that we became friends today, but it helps me sleep"

"Yea fine" I replied, since I couldn't sleep either.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and it actually felt kinda comforting. This was the first time someone had actually been this close to me, except for Pansy's hugs.

Soon enough I started becoming sleepy, and heard small snores from Draco.

I fell asleep.

Sorry for late update, I spent the weekend at my grandmothers house and Monday afternoon I had a lot of homework I didnt understand, but here I am! 

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