Ep-3 : The Devil Made His Entry

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I was serving the customers as usual when i felt continuous buzz from my pocket. Reki Kyan.. putting a frustra-forced smile on my face, i continued to work diligently until i had got a break. What happened now? I hope it's important otherwise I'd beat his ass! i took out my phone from the pocket and opened the message option.

Guess who came to the shop!!!
This feels like a deja-vu..
Guess Guess Guess!!!
Oh shit. I forgot you are working. Tee-hee
'Tee-hee' my ass! No one can make a straight face while doing that!
And the most important thing!

"WHAT?!" i gasped, so did someone else from behind me. "Kojiro-san! How many times have i told you not to sneak up on me?!" i put my hand over my heart to calm myself. "But it's fun this way!" he gave me a cheeky smile. "Geez, i don't know what to do with you" i rolled my eyes before tapping on the search icon. I typed in Miya's name and found tons of skating videos. Of course, i knew who the guy was but i wanted to check out his videos again. The way how he skated, i don't know but he looks somewhat sad in it. Skating's supposed to be fun!

"That their indeed is a national level skater" Joe said. "Kojiro-san, don't you have work to do? Aren't you the owner?" i said, my eyes still glued to the screen. "I have staffs there looking after me. The owner also needs some rest, don't you think?" he said, his eyes also glued to the screen. "Hmm, whatever you say old guy" "I am NOT!" "Ah by the way, I'll need to leave early today because of this beef" i said looking at him. "That's fine but it's still dangerous for a girl to go there all alone. Why don't i drive you there since I'll also go?" he was looking at me seriously now. "Neh, I'm fine. The girls that fling themselves around you at the 'S' will eat me up if they see" i snickered. "What are you even talking about? You clearly made one of them go bald when they stood up against you" he laughed out loud. "Ah, that? She got on my nerves" i sighed.

At the S

"If he's up against Miya, there's no way he's gonna make it" "An amateur is no match against a pro" people commented as me and Langa walked inside the place. "They aren't holding back on their tongues, are they?" i clicked my tongue. "I'm fine Chiyo, don't worry" Langa smiled at me. "I wish i could say the same but.. where is that idiot?! How long will he make us wait?!" i crossed my arms and looked around. "He'll be here soon. Calm down Chiyo, calm down" he patted my head as if I was a furious kid. "Sorry! I'm late!" we heard someone shout causing us to look to our right. "rEKi!" "Kyahhh! Help me Langa! Chiyo will eat me!" Reki hurriedly hide behind Langa. "Board?" i tapped on the ground with my foot. "Here!" he squealed before handing it to Langa. Uh.. "Why do you two have identical expression?! What's with the judgemental faces?!" Reki shouted at us. But the wheels.. The match soon began.

"Let's go on ahead" Reki said before pulling me by the wrist. "Wait-" "WHY ARE YOU HOPPING ON WITHOUT ASKING?!" SHADOW shouted at us. "Follow them" Reki said, ignoring him. "THIS AIN'T NO TAXI! GET OFF!" "Yes, straight up ahead" i added. "I KNOW THAT!" he snapped back before driving. I opened the live video from my phone and Reki immediately scooted over to watch it with me. "What's with that move?!" Reki gasped watching Langa. "Rodeo Andy. Snowboarding move" i relied. "Hoo.. how did you know?" i looked at him with an emotionless expression. "I got it! Sorry!" he clapped his hands together before watching the video again.

"Hey, what's up with the board?" SHADOW said looking at the video on his phone. "Oh, that? I remodeled the wheels so that they'll spin in the direction of movement, so he can skate sideways like when snowboarding" Reki replied proudly. "Are you insane?! If you did that, you'd never go straight!" SHADOW shouted. "Normally, yeah. But only Langa can ride a board that insane" i smiled looking at Langa in the video. MIYA was an outstanding skater but Langa was no less. We soon arrived at the abandoned factory and waited for the skaters to come.

Snowboarders can't jump without entrance length. MIYA is doing whatever he can to occupy Langa i thought looking at the two. But eventually, Langa won the race. "Seriously, you almost gave me a heart attack" i sighed looking at Langa as Reki engulfed him in a hug. Langa broke the hug momentarily before pulling on my wrist, making me join it as well. "Woah there" i chuckled patting their backs. "To think i would lose.." MIYA mumbled which caught out attention causing us to look at him. "I can tell you the reason why you lost" Reki walked towards him "Skating is something you have fun doing" he said. "Yes.. it was in the beginning.. but they all disappear in the end anyway!" he shouted at Reki.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" MIYA shouted after i flicked his head. "Dumbass, not everyone's gonna be like that" i smiled at him. MIYA's eyes widened at my words. "MIYA, let's skate again sometime" Langa came forward. "See? We'll never disappear from your sight" Reki said before pulling onto MIYA's cheeks. "Reki.. has a weird face" Langa's eyebrows furrowed. "Doesn't he always?" i sighed. "Hey! What did you two say?!" Reki shouted at us. "Nothing~" Langa and I whistled looking to the other side. MIYA finally gave us a pure laughter.

"Skating should be fun. You have quite a good quote there" a voice spoke sending shiver to my bones. That voice..! "It's ADAM!" "Seriously?! I've never seen him before!" "Whoa! The Legend has descended!" the people around us whispered loudly as a figure walked towards us. "You're all empty now, MIYA. Friends, skating, at this point.. you have nothing left. Well, anyways" ADAM diverted his attention to Langa. I could see MIYA trembling from the corner of my eyes. "I took a look at your skating. It was brilliant. But it will be better if you fix how you shift your body weight. For instance, during an ollie. For example.." my eyes narrowed slightly seeing how close ADAM stood behind Langa holding his waist.

"Wait a minute! Take back what you said!" Reki said firmly walking over to ADAM. "Hoo? What if I said i won't take it back?" he grinned. His eyes were on my for an instant. Wha? "I'll have you take it back.. with this!" Reki held out his board. "Ah, interesting" ADAM smiled, his canines were showing. This is bad.. he shows his canines when he's planning to do something outrageous. I have to stop this somehow, for the sake of Reki!


Thank you for reading this chapter!
Hope you enjoyed it!

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