Ep-2 : Practice Makes Perfect

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Tests are coming up soon. It's gonna be a hectic week for me aga- "LANGA STOP!" Langa? i turned my head to the right hearing the voice and saw a familiar blue hair skateboarding towards the street, well me now since i just came in between him and the road. Before he could advance any further, i grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me. This caused him to fall on top of me as we both hit the ground. I know what i did, i had to, otherwise he might have died today.

"Chiyo! Langa! Are you two alright?" Reki's voice grew near as he rushed towards us. "Y-Yeah.. ow" i held the back of my head to check whether i was bleeding or not. Thankfully, i wasn't. "Yeah, I'm fine but Chiyo, are you alright? You took the hit for me also" Langa looked down at me as he propped himself on his elbows. "Yes, i am.. get up now. You're heavy" i said trying to move. "O-Oh yes! I'm sorry!" he became all flustered suddenly and tried to sit up but mistakenly hit my thigh with his knee in the process. "Oww!"

"So, care to tell me what the hell were you two doing on your way to school?" i asked as i ripped opened the duct tape from Langa's feet which he used to tape himself to the board, just like before. "We were just skating.." Reki murmured looking down. "You skateboarding morons" i sighed heavily. "Well, none of you are injured to it's fine" i said and then stood up. I started walking and the boys followed me from behind. "Langa wanted to know how to skate. Let's help him, Chiyo!" the gloomy aura of Reki went away and his cheerful aura came back. "Eh? Really? Skateboarding and snowboarding are from the same tree but they both taste different. Are you still up for it?" i asked cocking my head at Langa. "I want to try skating!" Langa's eyes were sparkling with determination. "Oh geez, tone down the brightness. I'll ask Kojiro-san about the change in plans" i said taking out my phone. "Kojiro-san?" Langa looked at me in confusion. "The owner of the place where Chiyo-chan works" Reki answered in my stead.

After school

Kojiro-san being the guy he is, let me off for 2 hours. After texting him 'thank you', i went towards the boys. "First, you keep your rear foot on the ground while you put your other foot on top of the deck right around the screws of the nose. Next, put your rear foot on the deck" Reki guided him while i checked his posture. As Langa tried to do the second step, his feet wobbled causing him to put down his rear foot on the ground. "If you're scared, I'll hold your hand" Reki's suggestion made me giggle. "I-I'm fine!" Langa replied before getting it after two tries. But it wasn't long until Langa fell off the board making both me and Reki laugh out loud.

"This thing moves" Langa said looking at us with displeasure. "Of course it does! Like i told you son, it's skateboarding not snowboarding" i laughed before getting on my board. "Before you put the rear foot on, keep the centre of gravity at the front and after you lift that foot, keep it at the centre. See?" i said as i moved towards him slowly. "Amazing.." Langa looked at my feet in amazement. "Now you try it" i got down from my board. After two attempts, Langa finally got it right. "I-I did it!" he looked at us excitedly. "Yes, you did!" Reki was also excited like him. Ah, these simpletons.

"Next. Push is one if the basics so you need to be able to do it with your eyes closed" Reki said as the three of us skated around the school. "Your legs are too far apart, Langa-kun" i hit the back of his rear leg slightly. "Y-Yes!" "Eyes up front" "Yes!" "Focus on your weight" "Yes!" "Hey, you guys!" we heard a shout causing us to look behind. It was our sports teacher. "Crap! Let's make a run for it!" Reki shouted and we immediately went faster. It was difficult for Langa but he didn't back down. "Yeah, that's it! Push! Push!" i cheered for Langa. "Chiyo! Reki! Transfer kid! You'd better not get caught!" we heard shouts from our classmates from the classrooms. Reki showed them the victory sigh while i grinned at them. "Push it like you're running!" Reki said to Langa. "Yes, just like that! Turn to the corner next!" i said before both Reki and I did it. "Y-You didn't teach me how to turn!" those were Hasegawa Langa's final words before he met his death. Don't kill him off, author!

At work place

Ho.. Langa is sure trending in the 'S' world after a single beef. And he also earned a nickname, SNOW i smiled as i went through the tweets. There were pictures of him, most being sneak photos taken by obviously- girls. I also thought of tweeting something with the picture i took. And when I was about to- "Oh, the kid is sure trending" "JO- KOJIRO-SAN!" I almost lept outta my skin hearing the words from my neck. "You need to stop sneaking up on me!" i looked at him in irritation as i put my hand on my chest to calm my racing heart. "You should be used to it by now~" he grinned. "This is not something I'd like to be used to" i sighed before focusing back on the phone. "Your break is over" he said looking at my phone with me. "I still have 5 minutes" "I'll let you go home early~" "Don't forget what you said!" shoving the phone back to the pocket, i rushed out of the room to get back to work. I heard him laugh after me.

Next Day

"Think about the tempo- ticktock, ticktock, tick" as Reki guided him, Langa still felt like he couldn't do it. "Your front foot always comes off.." i looked at his feet in thought while i sat on the rock. "I'll do it one more time" Langa said before standing up again. "What's eating you?" i wiggled my eyebrows at his feet before looking back at him. "I'm scared if it's not attached" he mumbled looking down. Reki and i exchanged looks. "I understand how you're feeling. Old habits do die hard. But if you remain being scared then you won't be able to skate to your fullest. You have to trust yourself and your board" i patted his shoulder before standing up.

Langa next tried to do ollie but he fell more than usual. "How long did it take for you two before you got it down?" Langa asked as he sat on the rocks with us. "2 months. But it usually takes 3 months" Reki answered proudly. "A week" i answered while i bandaged his face. "She's different. A skateboard freak. Once she made her mind of doing something, she wouldn't stop until she did it" "Why do you look so proud?" i whacked Reki on the head as he rambled on about me. "Is ollie necessary?" Langa looked at us both. Reki then explained the beauty of it. Langa was hooked. "So, if you wanna pop an ollie, you won't be able to do it if you're duct taped" i added. "I'm scared.. i can't keep my cool" he looked down. "How long have you been snowboarding?" Reki asked him. "15 years.." he mumbled. "You've been doing it since you were 2?! Amazing!" Reki and i looked at him in awe. That explains.. and then something hit me. "Reki! You can make that!" i held his shoulders. "What?" he tilted his head at me. "Those rollers!" "Wha- OH!" and then Reki took off with Langa to his house. Of course, they asked me to come with them but i couldn't since i had work.

Days passed with the boys being more into skateboarding. At school, outside school. At home, outside home. At the vacant places and so on. I joined the boys whenever i was free, most of the times i was just dragged by them. But right when test dates came up, i only went to school and then to work. Other than that, i spent my entire time on eating, less sleeping and more studying. That's when the boys came to me at school and my house for tutoring them, not for skateboarding. And yes, i helped them being the good girl i am.


Thank you for reading this chapter!
Hope you enjoyed it!

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