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Wednesdays are definitely the new Fridays! Hope you enjoy, and don't forget to lemme know what you thought about it!

Dawson woke up to Rumfuss making a fuss out of his new cottage. He blinked as the curtains ruffled in the early morning breeze, his eyes adjusting to the morning sun.

He got out of his bed to spy Rumfuss next to the dining table, trampling stuff under his feet as he turned around.

Dawson's cottage was small and made of wood. He had tried to make a sleeping place for Rumfuss by the dining table, but as he could see, it hadn't worked very well. A week ago, they had five chairs. Now, after seven days of Rumfuss attempting to make himself home, there were only three left.

The Great Beast who had once been trapped in the palace garden of Glengavin seemed to be finding the limited space almost as restricting. He was trying to move around, but being a giant boar, wasn't able to do so without tripping over something.

His spruce tree, though, wasn't touched. Yet.

Even though the Boar looked clumsy, Dawson knew that he could level villages with ease. Maybe not anymore because he was just the size of the biggest boar there could be right now, but before the Second Devourer War ended with the Great Beasts' sacrifice, he definitely could have done that and much more.

But Rumfuss wasn't known for being destructive. He was very calm. He was sweet and nice and did not like levelling villages for fun. An animal of death and destruction? That wasn't Rumfuss.

Dawson left Rumfuss to make sense of the chaos he was causing; he was to be very particular about how the things he stamped were supposed to be squished. He set the quilts on the bed and looked around the room.

The blue Trunswick insignia seemed to blaze with pride as he looked at it, as he had done every day from the day he had inherited it. He was grateful to the residents of his town for giving it to him when he had returned, and it filled his heart to see it retain the regal blue colour even after the Castle had been burnt down.

It was recovered by the Great Beast called the protector of Eura, and it would stay in its full glory for as long as the legacy lasted. Dawson would do all he could to make it last as long as Erdas had humans.

Dawson felt the sunlight soften at the thought of his spirit animal. It'd been six months since Dawson had rejoined with him, after the nightmare that the Wyrm proved to be.

It'd been only one day of the making of the bond when Zerif stole him away, but the pain had been unbearable. He still remembered the day his brother had come to meet him and had caused a revolt in the process. 

The guy was a pain in the wrong places for everyone.

His father had tried to sell Rumfuss. To Zerif. Devin and the girl he called Raisha had fought. Devin wielded the broken Trunswick sword. It was an even fight, despite the weapons and the conditions of the people involved being very uneven, and Dawson was scared. 

He had never thought of Devin as the hero kind. But that day, his brother had shown heroism, in the Devin kind of way. 

Zerif had picked up Devin by his neck, showing inhuman strength. He turned out to be inhuman after all, having been Wyrm's harbinger all along.

That day, Zerif had forced Dawson to give up the boar by threatening to throw the older brother off the rooftop. Devin had tried his best to make Dawson hate him by reminding him of the times his cruelty has spilt onto Dawson. He'd asked Dawson to run away, to protect the bond. Dawson didn't.

Spirit Animals: The War For The White BloomDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora