Why I restarted this

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 I deleted the original one because I didn't feel like writing it anymore, and didn't feel like anyone else wanted to read it, but I've seen more and more people praising Rick for his amazing representation, and...

 Yeah. No.

 Please don't hate on me for these opinions just because you love his books. I love parts of them too, but recognise their flaws.

 If you are not willing to come into this with an open mind and see what I have to say, or you're reading purely to hate on me or my views, I'm not interested in your comments. I do not need you reading this book.

 Of course, however, I am also flexible in my opinions and if I say anything insensitive or incorrect, please feel free to correct me on that. I'm also willing to debate over or explain anything in a polite, respectful way.

 If you don't understand-

 "You're stupid, this this and this clearly don't make sense" is not accepted.

 "I disagree with you on this topic, and think that this is incorrect. Could you clarify what you mean?" is welcomed and I am willing to discuss further, as well as taking your own views and thinking over my opinions myself. I will also update, change or delete the chapter if I change my mind.

 If you agree with me on anything or think that this book has changed your views even slightly, please share this with other people- the main reason that I'm writing this, after all, is to reach as many people as possible and see if I can educate others and myself by sharing my views on Rick Riordan's writing.

 Also recently went through all of my complaints and rants and realised that they didn't go into much detail, didn't use many statistics, etc. and overall I wasn't happy with them, so I'm currently in the process of taking most chapters down and rewriting them. If there are references to chapters that aren't up at the moment, rest assured they will be back up again after I've rewritten them to a quality that I think meets my standards.

 Trigger warning- this book will discuss abuse, misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc.

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