Chapter 7

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A/N HELLO! Yes, I'm alive, back from the dead. Sorry, I have updated in uhhhh quite a while actually, I've just been really busy and motivation and time have been hard to come by. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Birds chirped and the wind whistled through the trees as Rapunzel sighed, steadily breathing out.
"Do you hear that?" She said calmly, slowly opening her eyes.

Lance, Eugene, Shorty and Hookfoot all took in a deep, calm breath.

"That is the sound of peaceful tranquillity-"

"Rapunzel!" Cass snapped, coming up behind Raps. "This was supposed to be a quick bathroom break, not a meditation."

"I was multitasking," Shorty said proudly.

The others grimaced with disgust and scattered away from the old man.

"Sorry, Cass, but look at this view! I mean, doesn't that just inspire you?"

"You want to know what inspires me?" Cass replied. "Progress. Getting from point 'A' to point 'B' without stopping to marvel at everyone meadow, valley, pond and knoll along the way."

Cass led the group back to the caravan, making sure no one got lost or distracted along the way. The woman was clearly annoyed at how much time they had lost. She wanted to get to their destination as quickly as possible but the other kept getting distracted or roped into trouble.

"Look, Cass, I know we have to get to— wherever these rocks are leading us, but- aren't you afraid," Raps sighed. "That if you focus too much on the road ahead, you might miss the fun at your feet?"

Cass chuckled and shook her head. Raps frowned at her.

"HA, that was so cheesy. I swear you can't come up with anything decent to say," Came a muffled voice from inside the caravan.

Raps raised an eyebrow and wandered inside, followed by Cass who was smiling smugly. When they got inside, she found Varian sitting on his makeshift bed with his hands behind his back. Or more accurately, tied behind his back and tied to one of the bedposts. He turned his head to glare at Cass when they entered.

"Did you have to tie me up?" He scoffed.

"Yes!" Cass shot back. "I went to get the others and I wasn't leaving you here alone without precautions. You would've run away!"

The alchemist raised an eyebrow at her and chuckled. "So what?! We both know you're faster than me."

Cass rolled her eyes and untied him before ushering Raps back out of the caravan to finish their conversation. The princess tried to protest but Cass dragged her out, wanting to get away from the boy that got on her nerves 24/7.

"Trust me Raps," Cass said. "If I want fun, I know where to find it."

"Oh yeah," Lance scoffed, holding back a laugh. "And where would that be? A funeral home?"

Cass smiled smugly and walked over to Lance, placing some sort of bean in his hand. Lance looked at it confused and began to ask what it was for when Cass whistled and Owl swooped down, attacking the man. Lance screamed and tried to shoo Owl away as Cass walked back over to Raps with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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