Chapter 14: Perfectly Imperfect

Start from the beginning

"Hey," I softly spoke.

"Hi." Alice's cheeks were pushed up from her gorgeous smile. They were rosy, but I don't think it was from the cold.

"You look... wow," I breathed. My brain was mushy. The only thing I could clearly picture was the image of her. She bit her lip as she looked down. I followed her gaze. They landed on my hands. I had nearly forgotten about the present that I held. "I brought you something." I handed it to her. She looked up at me with soft eyes. Her gorgeous eyes.

"I got you something too," She said.

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to. Besides, I like giving gifts." She handed me a tiny white box.

"Open yours first," I smiled. I couldn't stop smiling, and I didn't plan on stopping any time soon. Alice nodded and lifted the top of the box. Her eyes widened with, what I assumed was, excitement.

"Merlin!" She squealed, "You got me Drooble's Best Blowing Gum! I love it! Thank you." She wrapped her arms around my neck. I was shocked at first, but then I melted into the hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist. We fit perfectly with each other. It felt as if we were puzzle pieces that were placed together. It was just... right. Perfect even. After a couple of seconds, we pulled away, "Alright, your turn."

I removed the shiny ribbon from the box, then opened the top. There sat tiny clogs attached to a metal chain. I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't confused.

"Not to be rude, but what is it?" I asked.

"It's a muggle key chain. Lily showed me one a while ago. Apparently, they attach them to their keys. I saw the tiny clogs at Hogsmeade. It reminded me of when you said you wanted a pair so we could match. So, I got it," She smiled.

"It's brilliant," I said as I pulled it out of the box, "How does it work?"

"Oh, here." She took the chain from my hand, "If you push this." She pushed a piece of metal attached to the circle on top of the chain. "See? You can put it on stuff. Like a bag. Whatever you want, really."

"It's really brilliant Alice. Thank you," I smiled. I placed the small keychain onto the belt loop of my pants, "How does it look?" I showed it off to her.

"Compliments your hips," She chuckled.

"You like my hips?" I teased. Her eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. She was so cute when she got embarrassed. "We should get going." I held out my arm. She looked up and looped her arm in mine.

"What do you have planned?" She asked.

"Something special, of course. You deserve the best," I smiled as I looked down at her. The tip of her ears reddened. My heart thumped. I couldn't get my mind off the fact her arm was touching mine. The warmth that she passed onto me. It made my heart flutter. Her touch was so delicate and soft.

We walked through the castle as students passed us. A bit of pride struck me, knowing I was walking around with the most beautiful girl in the school.

                          *** *** *** *** ***


My heart was pounding. I was holding Frank's arm on a date. I couldn't believe it. My heart fluttered at his touch. Not only was I walking around holding his arm, but others saw us. They saw me walking with the most handsome guy in the school. He chose me. He asked me. I couldn't believe it. Even when he was right here, it felt like a dream. The best part was that it was all real. Everything. It wasn't a silly dream. It was a real moment.

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