Epilogue: A Puzzling Foe

Start from the beginning

"Drop him!" Hilda shouted as she aimed her gun at the one in black clothes.

However, the one in white charged at her. Hilda was able to get away as I struggled in this tight grip.

"Hilda! Get him out! I've got this!" I struggled to shout.

Luckily, she was smart enough to drag the person in white out of the agency as I swung my leg to kick the person holding me in his chest. He stumbled back as I landed on the ground. I dropped my gun, but I got a good look at this attacker. I smirked. Just like I thought, he is the same person from before! Perfect!

"You are really stupid if you decided to come here and fight me! I won't let you get away a second time!" I threatened as I prepared to fight him.

The attacker lunged at me, but I stepped away and led him into my office. I then closed the door and faced him. He wasn't keeping his eyes on me. I took carefully note of where he was looking and discovered that he was looking at my desk! He wanted my dad's book! Well, as much as I have anger issues with my dad, he's not getting the book without a fight. He lunged towards the desk as I elbowed him away! He crashed into the bookshelf in my office as I cracked my knuckles. He's so going down! I stood at my desk and took the book as I made sure that piece of cloth is tucked inside my pocket. He's not going to get anything from me!

"I suggest you surrender right now before you do anything stupid. You've already lost. So, you have the right to remain silent" I said seriously as I prepared to take a pair of handcuffs out of my desk and use it on him.

"Ah!" Hilda screamed in the distance.

Shit! Hilda! I turned to the door, but I heard a loud bang echo in my office and looked at my chest. I saw blood pouring for it. Argh! I clutched my chest as I fell forward and dropped my father's book. I couldn't move. I was in so much pain. I needed to get this wound taken care of before I do anything else. The attacker just sighed as he marched towards me and took my father's book out of my hands. It was a pain to look up, but I saw his hands holding my father's book and a liter. No! Not here! He set my father's book on fire and threw it in my office. He then left me there! I have to get up and get out of here... As I tried to stand up, I collapsed on the ground as my blood was dripping from my chest. My eyes felt heavy. I was feeling weak... No, stay awake... I have to stay awake... I have... to...

(Hilda's POV)

Motostoke City, Streets

July 24th, 9:12 PM

I was still running from the agency and trying to keep my distance from this attacker. However, when I looked behind me, I didn't see the person in white anymore! I grew worried and gasped! I left Alfendi alone! I ran back to the agency and saw a horrible site before me.

Ace Detective Agency

July 24th, 9:16 PM

The agency was on fire! I rushed back in and found Alfendi on the ground! He's hurt really bad! I helped him up and carried him out of the building. I placed him on the ground and coughed. I picked up my phone and called for the fire department and the hospital. It was a bit of a blur, but the fire department came and put the fire out. The ambulances came and took me and Alfendi to the hospital

Motostoke City, Hospital

July 24th, 9:24 PM

I was fine. Nothing too bad. As for Alfendi, he was shoot. He had to be taken into surgery.

"Hilda!" Justin shouted in a panic as he and Commissioner Chelmey rushed towards me, "What the hell happened to you and Al?"

Justin was wearing his brown shorts and white shirt. The commissioner was wearing his work oufit. I quickly filled them in on everything.

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesWhere stories live. Discover now