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Wanda looked at her watched as she tapped her foot in a mix of impatience and anxiety.

What could be taking them so long?

Wanda was waiting for Steve to get them out of Lagos, an idea he wasn’t too happy with considering how close they were to catching Rumlow. But Nat and Sam were going to stay there – keep an eye on everything while Steve and Wanda went to a place that they didn’t even know existed.

A secret, for whatever reason.

Wanda was just worried for her sister. One she hasn’t seen in months. She couldn’t even get a hold of Tony! Her only word on this was from Steve. Months away from her sister and she’s already in hospital. For some reason, a part of her blames Tony for this.

She guesses it was some deep, angry part of her that still blames the man for the death of her parents. Even the death of Pietro.

She knew it wasn’t fair – and hell if her sister could get past it and have a great relationship with the man, why couldn’t she?

Wanda has heard her fair share of bad things about Tony. Some even coming from the captain himself. Wanda liked that about the captain. He was always honest with her and would never betray her.

He cared for her and after all the abuse she faced at the hands of Hydra – she loved the kindness he offered and the security.

Hopefully that would be enough for Lorna to return with them, with her.

How she misses her sister, phone calls and face times can only do so much to ease the ache.

“Hey Wanda, the jet is on its way, we’ll get to Genosha in a couple of hours.” Steve says and Wanda nods and folds her arms over her chest, continuing to tap her foot even as the jet lands.

She can’t wait to take her sister back home with her.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

“Good Lorna! Good!” Tony says as he helps Lorna walk from her bed and around the hospital room. Walking was getting better, she could pretty much do everything on her own, she wasn’t really too bad after she woke up. A bit groggy and very sore, but Tony was convinced she was a paraplegic learning to walk again. She rolls her eyes playfully and let's go of his arms.

“You know I’m not invalid, right? Like I can walk and unless you wanna follow me into the bathroom, I’d let go if I were you.” She jokes. And Tony lets go of her arms promptly. A cheeky smile on his face as he goes and sits on her bed as he waits for the girl. Looking at the clock in the room, he wonders if Steve had told Wanda of her sisters condition yet. And if so, where were they? Because Lorna was almost ready to be discharged. Much to the disagreement of Tony. And John. And Peter and pretty much all of her friends.

But she was a stubborn girl and nothing could get through her thick skull.

But Tony couldn’t help but love her.

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

Lorna looked at her reflection in the mirror, her skin still a little too pale, but some life was back in her eyes.

She leans down to wash her face before looking back up. A scream was caught in her throat, she couldn’t speak as the same dark skinned woman, the one who was there in the fire, stood behind her.

Her dark hair tied in intricate knots, her lips stained in black lipstick.

She didn’t speak. Just stood there behind Lorna. Silently.

Lorna swallowed, her mind screaming as she slowly turns around to face her.

As she faces the empty bathroom, Reeves no where to be seen. There was a knock at the bathroom door, making Lorna audibly yelp. A crash could be heard on the other side of the door and as she slowly opens the bathroom door, she could see the lights flickering in the hospital room.

All the metal, including the Professors wheelchair was dented or crumpled.

Professor Xavier sat there with a look of concern, as did the rest of her friends who migrated into her room.

Her mind was still in panic mode as Charles brings his hand to his temple, before a look of panic also crosses his eyes before easing out.

“Lorna, are you okay?” John asks as Tony grabs Lorna by the arm to help her back into the room.

“Yeah, I’m probably just stressed. Pay it no mind.” Lorna says, her voice shaky and laced with her Sokovian accent.

Professor Xavier speaks up. 

“That face, that panic I just felt from you, I could feel all the way across the hospital  That face you saw, have you seen her in real life? This is important Lorna.” The professor asks and Lorna nods her head.


“In the fire, after I was pinned. I thought she was a hallucination.” Lorna trails and Charles nods. John shoots Lorna an apologetic look like it was his fault she got pinned and hurt. She’d have to smack him for that...

“She wasn’t. This is bad. Did she say what she wanted?”

“Yeah…she said she wanted the Strucker children and me. I have no idea who she was. But she knew my father as well. What does this mean?” Lorna asks Charles.

“It means we’re all in danger. And you can never return to the underground.”

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

Lorna followed the professor who was leading her into a separate room which they could talk privately.

Lorna tried not to freak out too much.

“What’s wrong Professor?” she asks and Charles sits close to her to offer some empathy and care.

“I need to speak to you about a few things. Mainly, about your powers. We do have someone who could help you with that. I can take you to him once we’re done here.”

Lorna felt relived at that.

“Another thing is, have you ever spoken to anyone about Bipolar disorder?”

“No I haven’t. Why?”

“I’m not attacking you Lorna, but in looking into you mind, I have been able to see things you might have missed or that your family and friends might have. I believe you have Bipolar disorder and I would be happy to help you Lorna.” He says in his caring tone and Lorna is at a loss for words.


She could never think of herself as someone with Bipolar. It didn’t make sense.

Except the more he explained it…the more it did.

“Could that be a reason my powers are messing up?”

“Yes and no, it could be a factor, or it could still be you body mourning your brother. A number of things. That’s why Peter and myself will be taking you to see Erik, he has similar powers to you. So if anyone can help, it would be him.”

“Erik, is he Peter’s dad?”

“Yes Lorna, hopefully he can help you.”


Okay...here me out.

I am so sorry for not updating! I really am the worse! Fuck!

Im sorry everyone. I love you so much.

Thanks for people who comment and ask for updates they get me motivated!

So a lot has happened these past couple months...

I got engaged! Joel and I are moving into the Granny flat so we can live together and save cause rent is just insane right now.

I love you guys and hope you've all been okay!

As always stay cool homies.

Uncanny  ~  Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora