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Lorna had followed Tony's instructions completely, every turn, every step. And it all led her to the same alleyway. The alleyway she was attacked in.

It had been a couple weeks since that fateful day - since her attack. She wonders about those girls, if they're attacking others or if attacking Lorna woke them up to their actions.

Lorna dives into her pocket, retrieving her phone. Going through her contacts in search of the goofy picture of Tony.

The phone rings for half a second before it was answered.

"Hey Lorna, how are you?" Tony asks as soon as he answers. "Hey Tones, yeah I'm okay. I'm just a little confused." Lorna says as she looks through the alleyway, letting her powers flow through her, gently, as she floats above the wall of the alleyway and into the alleyway behind it. No sign of the metal she could feel.
"What are you confused about Kid?" Tony asks and Lorna huffs. "Are you sure the instructions are correct?" Lorna asks and he laughs.
"Me? Getting this wrong. Come on Lorna, you're making me laugh."
"But Tony, there is nothing here. On either side of the alleyway. There is nothing."
"Huh?" Is the ever-intelligent reply given and Lorna smacks her hand to her forehead with a groan.
"There's nothing here!"

"It's okay kid, leave this with me. I'll get to the bottom of this. Alright?" He says and Lorna sighs in relief.
"Thanks Tony, this whole situation is weird. And for some reason, I can feel a whole lotta metal. From where it seems, from nowhere." She says and Tony thinks.

"Leave this with me Toots, alright? Why don't you do normal seventeen-year-old things like shop or explore." Tony suggests and Lorna laughs.

"Alright Tones, I wouldn't use normal to describe anything about me but whatever you say." Lorna laughs as they say their goodbyes the line disconnects.

Lorna knows her powers have been acting up. She knows all too well.

But this metal, this ever confusing magnetic field Lorna is feeling is driving her mad.

'Ugh! I should just listen to Tony. Maybe a shop wouldn't be too bad I can at least try to seem normal.' Lorna thinks before laughing off the idea. Normal is something she'd never be. No matter what.
She groans one last time before turning her back on the enigmatic wall. With a final last attempt, she let her power roll out of her like a green fog, filling the alleyway. In search for the hidden metal.

That's when something thumped her on her back. Furrowing her eyebrows she reaches around to grab the thing sticking to her.


She was even more confused now.
This wall. . . Or maybe something else entirely.

Walking back towards the brick wall, she places her hand on it.

Sturdy. Tough. Real.

She doesn't know what she was expecting - maybe a hologram or something.
But it wasn't. Just a common brick wall.

But that didn't explain the stapler or why she could feel so much metal.
She huffs, before letting her green aura fill her hands. With a prayer to her God she prays this works as she places her green energy hand against the bricks.

And too her shock and surprise her hand melted through the brick - it would be like magic if such thing existed.

She follows her hand, and soon her entire body has entered the wall.
And when she appears on the other side she is greeted by a new wall.

A wall of guns.

'Oh goodie.'

¤ ¤ ◇ ¤ ¤

"For the last time! My name is Lorna Maximoff, I'm not working for anyone and I was just trying to find the mutant underground!" Lorna has repeated herself to at least four different people and she was starting to get sick of it. Her last inquisitor was a man named John. She was getting frustrated.

"But why are you looking for the underground and how did you find us and get through the wall. No one can do that." He questions and Lorna hangs her head.
"I uh...heard that Mar...someone...I'm looking for was here. At least I hope he is. And my friend is a genius and helped me track you down. Don't worry, no one besides Tony and myself know where I am. Now for the wall part - I guess I could feel the metal in here which is why I knew something was up here. Anyway I used my powers and shifted the matter of the door - allowing me in." She answers. He looks a little surprised at her matter manipulation but come on. How different is the electromagnetic field to changes of matter? If she was honest it was the first time she tried but lucky for her it worked. May as well give the whole truth, since lying won't get her anywhere.

"You're telling the truth." He says it in a way that sounds like a question and a statement.

"Wow...what gave that away?" Lorna says sarcastically.

"Your heartbeat." John says casually.
"I beg your pardon." Lorna asks. He said it so casually. Like people hearing other peoples hearts was an everyday occurrence.


Lorna felt as if she was going in circles - but at least John wasn't palming her off to someone else to ask the same questions. If she was being honest she had a good feeling about John. Yeah he was questioning her but Lorna was good at gauging how good or bad a person was. And all she could sense from John was good - which put her mind to ease a little bit.

John had stood up, giving Lorna a hand as she stands with him.

"Welcome to the mutant underground, Miss Maximoff." He says as he shakes her hand with a kind smile. She smiles back finally feeling as if she's close to him. Close to Marcos.

"Thanks John."

Then a thought hit her.

'Crap! I better tell Tony he was right. Though I might never live it down.' She could practically hear his cackling as he does a little 'I'm right cause I'm the best' dance. Which annoys Pepper but Lorna can't help but be fond of.

Regardless of that. She's finally glad to have found the underground.

Lorna is sure that now she's here, Marcos won't be far behind.

"So you're a mutant?" he asks in clarification but also curiosity. He could never be too sure about people these days with all those experiments and such.

And Lorna beams.

"Yes I'm a mutant. And proud to be." Lorna says for the first time since finding out.

A mutant and proud.


Ahhhhhhhhhh im so sorry I haven't updated in ages!!!! I literally didn't get anything done over my 3 weeks off. :'(

I have been sick in casual contact with a covid dude annnnnnd had my brain lobotomised TWICE!

I am ok but just a bit sick but no worries.

This is dedicated to all of you guys! I love ya all.

And also dedicated to Maxiallen
Who has awesome books so you should check them out!!!

As always stay safe and cool my dudes.

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