The kings arrival The start of the story

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As the Baratheon and lannister banner men rode you could feel the tension everybody was feeling as the Northern people didn't trust outsiders very well when you looked up you saw boy with blonde hair as you turned you saw sansa smile at him like he was her true love. Robb was giving the boy a glare this must be the prince you thought.

Then the carriage lumbered followed by King Robert and the kings guard everybody kneeled as well as you when you saw the kings marching up to your Uncle Ned.

Robert signals for him to rise and looks at him.

"You've got fat." He flat out said making you
Smirk as you stood up. Your unfold gave the king a
Look as both bursts out laughing like old friends.

Robert hugs your uncle and aunt as the queen and her two other children walked out of the carriage looking gloomy.

As Robert gets introduced to the stark children he smiles when he meets you.

"You just look like your mother" he complimented you.

As he asked Uncle Ned to see the crypt Cersei tells him to wait and rest but he ignores her as Ned follows.

She walks away humiliated in front of all, walks back to Jamie her brother.

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