Chapter 6

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Ivy 🧍🏾‍♀️

This was honestly the best sleep I've had since Skylar was born, I had really bad back pains and neck pains

I'll ask where he got this bed from

I'm up but I have my eyes closed, Dominic and Skylar are up, and I just wanted to hear what they be talking about

All I learned is they like the same stuff or they're both just agreeing with each other

Skylar was has her arms propped up and her hands are holding her head, she's still on this man chest

Like a baby

Skylar has on her princess and the frog onesie, she loves that movie so much she used to watch it every morning during breakfast, she damn near know all the songs

My baby

"So daddy I have a question" She says tracing his chest tattoo "yes baby" he replies

"Do you love mommy" she asks him and he says "of course I love her, she gave me you" he taps her nose with his finger "why do you ask?"

"Because you and mommy never hug like her and Mr. Isaiah do" she says

Damn Skylar, just put my business out like that

"Who's Mr. Isaiah" he asks her quickly and Skylar giggles and says "that's mommy's boyfriend, he's so nice he brought me a LOL doll"

Ok damn since the cats out the bag, yes I am seeing someone but we're not together he just took me out a couple of times. His name is Isaiah, we met at my mom's law firm, we both work there, my mom hired me as an intern basically, and he's a nice guy, he asked me out. And he fine as fuck, yes he has good skin, he's a beautiful chocolate man

I chuckled at my thought, they stop talking about the subject and continue to talk about whatever else

I rub my eyes, and look at the both of them still talking, Skylar looks at me and jumps on me and I groan "good morning you too Skylar"

"Mommy I'm so happy you're here!" She says still jumping, Dominic grabs her "ok that's enough Skylar let's go get some breakfast"

Damn he must be mad mad

But he don't got no reason too, he got a whole girlfriend


Pushing my thoughts to the back of my head, I hop out of the bed and go to retrieve my clothes so we can go home

I put Dominic's clothes that I had on in the dirty hamper and slip my dress back on, but left my heels off and carried them

I go downstairs and follow where I hear laughter, I walk into the kitchen and see Dominic making a funny face at Skylar, and she's laughing like it's the most hilarious thing she's ever seen

I kiss her head and say "hurry up and eat bean, we gotta get home" I sit down at the island table

She starts to whine, I roll my eyes because she does this every time something happens that she doesn't like

"Cut it out Skylar" I say and she nods and picks up her spoon while her lip is trembling and has tears in her eyes, she looks at Dominic and says "daddy"

He turns around and he's eyes soften at the sight of his daughter on the verge of tears "maybe y'all can stay a little longer Ivy" he makes his way over to her and she lifts her arms up and he instantly picks her up

She look at me giving me a small smile like she accomplished something big and I roll my eyes "I'll just come back"

They both say ok, I make my way to the door and open it just as Angela was about to knock "oh what are you doing here, dropping your kid off again" She scoffs "you know, Dominic doesn't like when you do that just drop her off so you can do whatever you do, he wants to just spend time with me"

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