A day in the life of Edmund Rootledge (ghost)

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"Alright students," Professor Sprout clapped her gloved hands together, "That's it for our final lesson this year. Now off you pop to the feast, you don't want to be late to that after all."

The students chattered happily amongst themselves, hastily scuffling their belongings together before charging through the door of the tiny greenhouse in order to prepare themselves for the end of year feast. Professor Sprout herself was the last to leave, sending a conspicuous wink towards the empty greenhouse.

"Have a nice summer, Edmund. Take care of these lovelies for me."

Flicking her wand to dim the lights, she shut the door behind her with a click.

A small silvery head poked out from behind the Sugar Shrub as the ghost floated back into the room. How she had known he was there, he had no idea, but at least she never asked questions.

Edmund Rootledge had haunted the Hogwarts greenhouses for years now, ever since he had tried to get samples of a Wiggentree deep in the scottish moors and hadn't noticed the Venomous Tentacula directly behind him. Which was a little unfair, considered the plant hadn't even been discovered yet.

He didn't mind being dead. Not that much at least. It had terrified him to begin with, but now that he found himself used to it he didn't think it was all that bad. Unlike the other ghosts he had never been that fond of other people, so being alone was something he was used to. He had mostly been known for being a shut in when he was a live, either analysing his plants or wandering the world for new samples.

Speaking of samples, he moved over towards the Honking Daffodils. They hadn't been discovered in his time, despite the dreadful racket they made. The Industrial Revolution had never been a good time for plantlife.


The poor ghost nearly jumped out of his undead skin. Had a student come back into the greenhouses? Had they seen him?

But no. It was the Fat Friar, beaming at him despite the younger ghost's obvious discomfort. "There you are my dear boy! One of these days I'll finally understand why you enjoy holing in your greenhouses so much."

He always said that... but Edmund knew he never would. Being called 'dear boy' still rankled him a little, considering that he wasn't exactly young. Although compared to the friar, anyone would be a mere boy.

"I just find that I am more comfortable among plants than I am among people," he muttered, twiddling the unshaved edges of his moustache. "I thought I told you that before..."

"There is more to the world than just plants, Rootledge." The Friar guffawed, "Times have chanced since you last entered Hogwarts." He huddled closer, as if sharing some sort of conspiratorial secret. "One of my muggle born first years has introduced me to something marvelous called 'Popping Candy'! It is a sweet that fizzes in your mouth! Can you imagine! It fizzes! Without magic!"

Edmund didn't care in the slightest. No matter how time moved around him, he would never understand how time passing would be so interesting. Being a ghost meant that he would witness every single thing that would happen after all.

"But I digress." The Friar grinned, floating around to face Edmund properly. "I did not come here to nag at you again."

Edmund resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"As it so happens, us ghosts are having a celebration of our own tomorrow night. For the end of another school year, so to speak. And to us having a free castle again."

"The one that happens at the end of every school year?"

The Friar's eyes lit up. "So you know about it then!" But then his face fell. "But hang on just a moment now. If that is, the case why didn't you come the previous years? We sent you an invitation each year, but since you never showed we thought Peeves had intercepted it instead."

Edmund blanched, "I merely never saw the point in going. It isn't as if the other ghosts know who I am after all."

"Only because you stick to the greenhouses Rootledge! How would they know who you are when you are such a recluse!" He narrowed his silvery eyebrows. "I am just fortunate that the Hufflepuff head of house told me you haunted this area! Otherwise I myself would be none the wiser to your existence!"

Once again, Edmund wondered how the witch had known. He was not a poltergeist, so he couldn't do maintenance on the plants himself, but he often guided the house elves on the best ways to tend to the umbrella flowers or to harvest a puffapod before they got overripe. He had asked them not to tell anyone, but she must have noticed the difference.

"So I simply must insist that you come this time! You must! It will be fun, I promise. Or I shall ask the Bloody Baron to send Peeves in here or so help me!"

It was strange to see the old ghost so worked up, especially about something so trivial. And while Edmund did not think the Hufflepuff would go through on his threat to send Peeves, he really did not want to risk it. There were many sensitive plants in those greenhouses that would be quite dangerous if exposed to Peeves' chaotic stupidity. So he gave in, hanging his head a little.

"Fine. I shall come for a few minutes!"

"Oh wonderful!" The Fat Friar proclaimed, clapping his hands together jubilantly. "I shall hold you to that, my dear boy! I cannot wait to tell the other ghosts that you are attending after all these years! I do declare, how long has it been since you began haunting here?"

Honestly he had lost track after so long. He had died back in 1836... so that meant...

"Just over a century and a half?"

"My goodness!" The Friar chuckled merrily, "You are one of the newer ones then! There are plenty like you who have shied away so far, so have no fear. I'll be sure to introduce you to everyone I can!"

If he wasn't already silver, Edmund's face would have paled several more shades, "There... really is no need to-"

"Oh but I insist. Well I should be getting on now! More invitations to deliver and whatnot!" Beaming, the Friar began floating off, sticking his head through the door as a passing thought, "I shall see you tomorrow then, Rootledge! In the main hall, don't forget!"

Edmund scowled as the twinkling monk vanished off towards the astronomy tower, and rubbed his temple with a white hand. He didn't think he could forget, no matter how much he wanted to.

"Can't they just leave the dead in peace?"


This was written live on www.twitch.tv/sagidraconis

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