Chapter 4 - Vacant

Start from the beginning

Once most of the kids had left, his two friends turned to him, asking if he wanted to go to the mall with them. "As if," said Bakugo, rolling his eyes. "I've got better shit to do so don't waste your breath."

"Alright man, just asking." Giving him a final glance, the two extras walked out, not saying a single word to each other.

Bakugo watched as the door slowly closed after them, leaving him alone in the silent classroom. "Morons.." The blond muttered as he got up from his seat, swinging his bag over his shoulder in the process.

Just as he took a step towards the door he stopped, hesitated, then turned around. His scarlet orbs landed on the windows at the other end, not seeing anything from where he was standing.
After a moment, Bakugo walked up to them, scanning the school grounds from left to right.

Only a group of older kids there, steadily making their way towards the entrance while having a vivid conversation. Soon they left as well, leaving the schoolyard completely empty.

Katsuki couldn't help but stare at the entryway, barely blinking as another minute passed by.


With a huff, Bakugo turned around, leaving the classroom in hurried steps. He had already wasted enough of his time.

Outside the air was cool, the only heat coming from a few strands of sunshine trying to break free from the clouded sky. Bakugo readjusted his bag as he made his way home, glancing from left to right while exiting the school grounds.

Deku's seat had remained empty that day, no one knowing nor caring where the freckled boy was. The only reason anyone remembered he wasn't there was when their teacher asked the class for the second time that day if somebody had heard from him. He had mentioned not being able to contact Deku's mother, the call only going to voice mail.

Bakugo didn't know why but that instantly made him think of yesterday, the whole week even. These past few days he couldn't help but notice how the greenette stayed behind after school, staring out the windows while everyone else made their way home. The damn nerd was jumpier, more anxious looking than usual.

At first Bakugo thought his tormenting had finally gotten to him but when Deku had a sudden panik attack in the cafeteria he knew that wasn't it. The blond had a faint memory of something like this happening before, ages ago when they still lived in the same neighborhood. His mom had told him that Hisashi Midoriya, Deku's dad, had returned to Japan to visit his son.

At the time Katsuki didn't think much of it, not really caring either as the two of them barley hung out anymore. That was until he saw the state of the boy. He looked stressed, pale even. Always looking around himself and trying to stay outdoors until dark. Bakugo even found him hyperventilating behind a tree once, tears flowing down his cheeks as he gasped for air.

'He's reluctant to go home..' Bakugo frowned at the thought, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. 'It's not because of me so could that mean his dad is back again?'

But then there was that sketchy person he saw after school, just managing to slink out of view before bolting into the same direction as Deku.

He would never admit it but for a moment he had honestly considered going after his younger classmate himself. But when standing on the pavement outside of their school the blond finally came to his senses, casting one last glance behind him before walking in the opposite direction.

Deku got that nickname for a fucking reason, he's a small, good for nothing, hopeless idiot who doesn't even deserve to be called an extra. Nothing more than a disgusting bug.

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