Chapter 4

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Still the same day...

Eddie & Ruby....
Eddie came back in the house because he was talking on the phone with Taraji outside. "Baby you ok?" Asked Ruby noticing a look on his face and this look wasn't happiness. "Yeah, yeah" he said with not that much energy. "Baby it's something you can tell me.. what is it?" Ruby assured him. "I said it's nothing Ruby-" "and your lying so tell me what it is!" She raised her voice a little bit.  "Fine, Taraji was acting strange when me and her were on the phone and I got a feeling that it's more to it than she claims" Eddie finally confessed. "Well what does she claim?" Ruby wondered. "She claims that she just hasn't been in the mood to hang out but I know my daughter. Just like you know your son like the back of your hand I know mine Ruby. And I know that it's something else going on" said Eddie growing worried. "Hey hey calm down baby calm down. But that's weird because Terrence was acting weird too." She told him. "Really?" Ruby nodded.

"Then what the hell is going on?" Eddie whispered to himself but loud enough for Ruby to hear. "Maybe those two just had an argument. You know when they get into arguments they act like they lost their best friend so just give them the benefit of the doubt"  said Ruby. "Yeah, but if I notice both of them acting weird when we see them later own tonight then I'm asking questions and those questions better be answered" Eddie let it be known. Ruby sighed out of frustration.

Later own that night.....
Ruby, Eddie and Taraji were the first ones to make it so everyone waited on Terrence but he finally made it. "Hey son" Said Ruby as she kissed him on his cheek and they gave each other a hug. "Hey mama" he replied. "Hey stepson" said Eddie. "What's up step pops" said Terrence as they dapped each other up. "What y'all wanna do first?" Asked Eddie. "I know me and Raji always liked to play connect 4. Right Taraji?" Said Terrence. "Right" said Taraji fake smiling. "Ok well y'all can go and play that and me and Eddie will go find something to play" said Ruby. "Ok" said Terrence.

They all split up together. Ruby & Eddie went to try and find a game that both of them could play and Terrence and Taraji walked up to the connect 4 game. "Hey stranger" said Terrence trying to start an conversation. He didn't like the quietness between those two. Taraji just looked but didn't say anything. She just dropped her chip in the connect 4 thing.

"Damn so that's how it is? Your not going to say anything? Guessing that your still mad at me huh" Terrence peeped as he dropped his chip in. "Look Terrence I don't have time for-" she cut herself off because she knew that she was going to go off.

"Don't have time for what? I'm not even arguing with you..... I was just trying to start an conversation. I don't like all of this silence." Terrence told her. "Well you know that I don't want to talk to you. I'm only here because of my dad and your mom but if it was my choice, the hell with it." She confirmed. "Raji-" "DON'T talk to me!"

"Ok fine, but connect 4 tho" he told her as he showed her how he just connected 4 chips and won. "Yeah because somebody was irritating me. Couldn't even enjoy the damn game!" She said angrily. He started to say something, he opened his mouth and then closed it. He thought about what he was about to say and decided not to say it. He already don't like the fact that she's mad at him and he sure as hell doesn't want it to get worse.

Seeing Taraji mad at him, really does hurt him. It's like they grew a bound so close until when they get mad at each other it's like the whole world is about to end. That's just how much they hate getting mad at each other. Terrence feels dumb and delusional.

Dumb because he had feelings for somebody that didn't have those same type of feelings for him and delusional because what the hell is he doing having a crush on his step sister? Not only does he have a crush on her but he's in love with her.

Every since he seen her he liked her. If it wasn't for there parents being together he think they probably could've gotten in a relationship. He then started to imagine what it would've been like if their parents were never together and they were never step siblings. He started to imagine what it would be like if they actually could be together and if she actually felt the same way. He was so deep in his thoughts until he didn't even notice his mom and Taraji's dad calling him. "Terrence!" He heard Taraji voice, he looked at her. "Huh?" "Don't you hear them calling us? Come on" she said already agitated. Terrence sighed and slightly embarrassed because people were calling him and he didn't hear. He know everyone probably was wondering what's wrong with this guy?

He walked on over to his mom and step dad. "How about we all play bowling as a family together this time?" Eddie suggested. "Yeah cool"

An hour later...

All of them were done playing bowling and Eddie and Ruby noticed that Terrence and Taraji have just been acting weird. As always, Ruby gave it the benefit of the doubt while Eddie just became more and more suspicious. They were all sitting down eating at the place. Still, it was that bad vibe between Taraji and Terrence. Eddie couldn't hold it in anymore. He had to say something. "What's up with y'all two?" He blurted out. "What you mean?" Asked Terrence. "Because y'all not acting like ya self. What happened between y'all two tell me." Eddie spoke.

Terrence swallowed hard. Hearing those words made him nervous. Especially since Taraji had already said that if they ask, she's telling. "Me and Raji not mad at each other right sis?" Terrence importune. He knew that he would be in a world of trouble if they find out what happened between him and her. So he was praying that Taraji would accept to just lie to them.

Not really lie, but just keep it a secret. "So I'm your sis now?" Said Taraji catching everybody's attention. "But I wasn't that when you wanted to be with me" she stated. "WHAT!?" Said Ruby in shock. "You wanted to keep it a secret but like I said Terrence I wasn't going to keep that a secret. If people ask, I am telling." She stated. "Wait a minute I know y'all haven't been messing around?" Questioned her dad.

"No dad, never. He wanted to be with me and I went off on him. Never in a million years would I even think about dating my step brother" she lied. She knew she would date him if they weren't step siblings. All of this stuff about not liking him is basically just a front because she doesn't want to be embarrassed or experience the judgement.

She's kind of happy that Terrence likes her back. Because now she knows that she wasn't the only one feeling a certain type of way in the situation.

"Terrence" his mother called his name ready for him to speak up. "Mom I-" he couldn't get any words out. He couldn't even look at her. "No, look at me!" He looked at her. As hard as it was. "This is a yes or no question, do you want to be with your step sister?"

Terrence looked at Taraji then looked back at his mom. Should he just tell the truth or continue to lie?

Drama, drama, drama....

Y'all think Terrence should be honest with his parents or continue to just not admit it?

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