Far Away

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That's how TommyInnit felt one day into his exile.

Sure, there was probably better words to describe how he felt, but he was too mad to think of any.

He awoke from a rather restless sleep in Logstedshire, freshly stripped of all his belongings. Still damp from the night's rain, the teen rolled over and groaned. The transparent blue ghost floated in front of his head.

"Hello Tommy!" Ghostbur said cheerfully, blissfully unaware of the gravity of Tommy's circumstances.

"Hello Ghostbur," replied Tommy, defeated. Long had he tried to get the ghost to change his tone, to no avail.

Tommy sat up. Pain shot through his arm as he remembered the previous day's events. Being pushed off the obsidian wall surrounding L'manberg and being forced outside of the SMP by Dream. He could still hear Tubbo's voice as he betrayed him.

"I am so...so sorry."

Dream had been threatening exile for a few weeks by then. The president, Tommy's best friend Tubbo, had finally had enough once Dream started to build obsidian walls around his country, saying they would be kept inside and slaughtered. He had made the decision to exile Tommy for what he thought would be the good of the country. After all, wasn't Tommy the one causing all the problems?

He remembered the gash on his arm left by Dream's glowing netherite axe when he refused to give up his stuff after arriving in the plains and the feeling of being knocked back on the dirt by the exploding TNT that had destroyed everything he owned.

Well...not everything.

Tommy stood, soreness felt everywhere on his body. He rubbed the bandages given by Dream wrapping his arm to protect the gash from infection.

"Don't try that again," Dream had warned as he pulled the clean cloth around the rather severe wound. Tommy didn't plan on trying that again, after all he was very sensitive to pain, but he was rebellious at heart, always picking fights with those who claimed authority.

Tommy took in his surroundings. Dream had led him to a plains biome with a small inlet and a beach along the edge of the water. Behind him lied a village and a ruined portal, which he had already looted. He looked at the sad build that was Logstedshire, and the even sadder tent he had pitched outside of it.

Tommy spent the rest of the day gathering new materials and crafting new tools and armor. By the evening he had crafted a sword and chest plate out of iron and was pretty proud of himself. Ghostbur floated around and kept him company throughout the day, providing some well needed lighthearted commentary for Tommy. Although Dream had promised to visit everyday, he did not make an appearance that day. Tommy went to sleep on his new white bed with a slight sense of relief. He was starting over and doing just fine on his own. Maybe everything was going to be alright.

But Dream had other plans.

A Family's Exile // Dream SMPWhere stories live. Discover now