Chapter four.

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Emma stood up and jumped on her bed, smiling. "Ray why don't you relax, we have all day off!" She said excitedly. Ray sighed, looking up at the younger girl. "Because we're missing school, I want to at least study." He explained, and then looked back at his work. "I thought you wanted to lay down, anyways. Weren't you tired?" He said, remembering the reason they stayed was that she was tired. But she seemed pretty energetic to him. Emma shrugged a bit, "I was tired a little ago, but not anymore! I have a ton of energy." She said truthfully and fell backward onto the bed. "I can't seem to sleep anymore." Ray raised an eyebrow, "So since you are not tired, why aren't we at school?" Ray asked, smirking a bit. Emma immediately sat up. "I was tired earlier though, doesn't that count as still being tired?" She asked him but was secretly also asking herself. Ray facepalmed, setting his pencil down. "Emma, that's not- how that works." He said, sounding dumbfounded. "You aren't tired anymore, so no it doesn't count." Emma thought for a minute. "You already agreed to stay with me though, so we can't go back to school!" She kicked her legs. Ray rolled his eyes at the girl. "Whatever, carrot top." He said sarcastically, picking his pencil up again. The male looked back down at his notes. "Since you aren't tired, how about you do your homework?" Emma hid under the blankets. "No, I don't wanna do my homework yet! I'll get it done later!" She whined and slowly peaked out of the blankets for air. Ray facepalmed, "whatever." He said, rolling his eyes. The black-haired boy studied for a little while longer, before setting it down to take a small break. "Emma, do you just want me to do your homework for you?" He asked, tilting his head. Emma shook her head. "Don't worry about it, I'll get my homework done sometime today; just not right now." She hoped to procrastinate all day so she wouldn't have to get it done at all. Ray sighed, shaking his head. "Do it. Now." Ray said sternly and got up; going through Emma's bag. He set the homework on her bed. "If you do it now, you'll have more time to do whatever you want later." He explained, sitting back down on his bed. Emma groaned a bit and looked through it, grabbing a pencil she started to try and do it. She hated math and it confused her so by the end, half the questions either had question marks or random numbers. Ray got up after a while and went over to look at her paper. Seeing the little work she had done, he sat next to her. "Let me show you how to do it." He said calmly and started to explain the material. Emma usually learned things fast, so he was hoping this wouldn't be too much trouble. She nodded. "Alright.." Emma tried her best to pay attention and not zone off whilst he was talking. She just kept nodding to everything he said. Ray flicked Emma on her forehead. "Hey, are you listening?" He asked, looking over at the younger girl. She rubbed her forehead. "Ow, yes I'm listening!" She quickly tried to memorize everything he just said. The black-haired male raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly. "If you were listening, then try and solve this problem." He stated, pointing at one of the questions he hadn't answered for her yet. Emma grabbed the pencil and nodded. She stared at the problem, having no idea what to do. Ray sat back, crossing his legs as he watched her struggle to figure it out from his side view. "Well? You were paying attention, weren't you?" He said, well knowing that she hadn't been. Emma looked over at him and smiled nervously. "Of course I was!" She looked back at the problem and scribbled over it. "This is boring anyway.." She mumbled. Ray smacked her head, grabbing the pencil back; and erasing the pencil marks she made over the problem. "It may be boring, but it's necessary." He said sternly, and he tried to explain the material to her again. Emma groaned a bit, rubbing her head. "Can't we do this later? I don't wanna work right now, I thought we could relax today? I mean technically we're off." She whined a bit. Ray glared at her, "The only reason we're off is that you refused to go. He said, resting his head on his hand. "It's not like the school-issued us a day off or something." He explained, shrugging slightly. Emma laid face down on her bed. "I know, but I don't wanna do my homework!" She muffled in the blankets and laid there restless. Ray sighed, "Emma you have to get it done at some point." He stated. The boy knew if it wasn't done now it wouldn't get done at all. "So either we work now, or you let me do it." Emma looked at him and shook her head. "I'll get it done tonight, right before I go to bed." She didn't want to do it at all but she was going to try and make an effort to do it. Ray nodded, "Alright, as long as it gets done I guess." He sighed, hopping off her bed. "In the meantime, what do you wanna do?" He asked, leaning against the wall. Emma kicked her legs softly. "I'm tired, I was forced to do work." She yawned softly. Ray shrugged, hopping onto his bed. "You should sleep then." He said, though that was kinda obvious if she was tired, so he didn't know why he said that. Emma covered herself with the blankets. "I mean duh but I can't seem to fall asleep yet, just like last night.." She mumbled. Rolling his eyes, strolling over to Emma's bed. "What can I do to help you sleep?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. Ray just wanted the girl to get some sleep, so she wasn't as moody. Emma leaned closer to him. "I don't know, but it's just a matter of time before I fall asleep." Ray brought his knees up to his chest, burying his face into them. "Well, hurry up and fall asleep." The black hair male mumbled, sounding muffled. Emma closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep. "Why do you want me to go to sleep so bad?" She broke the silence after a couple of minutes. Ray chuckled a bit, averting his gaze over to her. "You'll be less moody." Not caring about if she got offended, he said that pretty blatantly. Emma quickly sat up and crossed her arms. "Hey! That's mean, I am not moody!" She kicked her legs. Rolling his eyes, he glared at Emma. "Do you not remember this morning?" He asked, teasingly. Remembering the tantrum she threw her this morning, he cringed at what he had to deal with. Emma thought for a minute. "I was tired, it wasn't my fault! Wait... Oh. Is this why you want me to go to sleep?" She threw herself back onto the bed. Burying his head into his knees, he hummed in response. "Precisely." He said sourly, but also sarcastically. She fidgeted around for a bit before hanging off the bed. She sat up after a minute and pushed his legs down; placing her head on his lap. He raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. "What are you doing?" Emma mumbled a bit. "Knowing someone is here helps me sleep." It took her only a couple of seconds to fall asleep. He sighed in relief, not having anything else to do for the day, he also decided to join her in taking a nap.

/IM SORRY IT TOOK A WHILE FOR ME TO UPDATE I WAS ASLEEP- I was half asleep while writing this so sorry if I did anything wrong. Bye Bye!!/

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