Chapter Two

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  "We should probably find out where they're going to attack next." Atsushi hummed, biting his nail. He sat in Akutagawa's office. For obvious reasons, working in his office wasn't debatable. Atsushi knew the condition of his own office was.. no.

  "Obviously." Akutagawa murmured to himself. Finally, after an hour of Atsushi just talking and rambling out useful information, Akutagawa wants to speak one word. But the weretiger wouldn't comment on it. He didn't want him to go back to being all silent and a peace of garbage again. Honestly... how dramatic can you get? It was for Dazai, he figured Akutagawa would at least try a little harder.

  "Oh, hey." Atsushi piped up after a moment of silence. "Lemme see the document with the dates that they had attacked."

  "I'm using it."

  "You're not using it." Akutagawa was literally reading over reports of things that had been stolen. Not the sheet with the dates. "If you want to make the Boss approve of your or feel so proud of you, maybe you should focus more on the case than the fact you hate me." He huffed and reached for the document, only to have his hand held still by Akutagawa's ability, who was now giving him a deathly glare.

  "Don't think that because you're the Boss' favorite means you're in any higher rank than the Mafia's trash can. Don't talk about things you don't understand, and don't talk to me like that ever." Akutagawa hissed then let his hand go. Atsushi huffed, staying quiet as he grabbed the document. He got what he needed, why continue to argue? To be quite honest, despite being the lowest member of the Port Mafia, the only people Atsushi really watched how he talked around were the executives and the Boss.

  "Oh... the next time they'll be attacking is tomorrow." Atsushi resized as his eyes scanned over the dates. Akutagawa just gave a quiet scoff. Obviously waiting for some kind of explanation. "He attacked on April first, April third, April fifth, April seventh, April 11, April 13, April 17 and April 19. Those are all prime numbers. Today is April 22nd. Tomorrow's the next prime number date in line." He hummed.

  "How're you sure that those dates aren't all just coincidentally prime numbers?" Akutagawa raised an eyebrow... well, he tried. He doesn't have any.

  "It's the only lead we got. By all means, if you have a better way of discovering when their next attack will be, let me know." Atsushi looked over to him. "You are higher ranking than me, which means you should know already since I'm so stupid." He said innocently, like he wasn't politely mocking how Akutagawa acted towards him.

  "Finding out the day he's gonna attack is useless if we don't know where or when." Akutagawa hissed in response, obviously trying to find a way to make Atsushi's findings irrelevant.

  "Is there a pattern in the places he's been attacking, then?" Atsushi asked calmly. It was the fact that he managed to be so calm that seemed to piss Akutagawa off. He'd been looking through what had been stolen so surely he knew some kind of pattern.

  "He only steals really expensive items from places with history of some sort of corruption." Akutagawa finally decided to disclose the information he had with the other. "He stole a bag of hidden jewelry from a jewelry shop that had rumors of and was found to have illegal ties to the black market. On April 7th is when he magically managed to steal our data. His most recent attack was on a museum, who had actually stolen many of their relics that they displayed. All of the relics that were stolen were returned to their rightful place of origin, except a small portion of pictures of "The Great Cat"." Akutagawa sighed.

  "So.. there's a possibility they may be some type of descendant or have ties to something related to Kawanabe Kyosai?" Atsushi hummed. "If they returned everything, perhaps they kept those paintings because they were the person it were stolen from. If they had ties to its artist, Kyosai, then it would make sense, wouldn't it?"

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