While she goes to get Skylar's car seat I open my door to pick her up "hey baby" I say smiling

She climbs into the car by herself "hi daddy" she looks at Angela and says "daddy who's this"

"Oh this is Angela, daddy's girlfriend" I tell her and she gives me a confused look and says "I thought mommy was your girlfriend"

"Well she's not" Angela snaps at her and Skylar's lip starts trembling and I automatically pull her into my chest and comfort her

"Don't ever talk to my fucking daughter like that again" I say to Angela sternly

"It's ok baby, she didn't mean it" I say kissing her forehead as she puts her little hands on her eyes

She better stop crying before Ivy gets over here and beats the fuck outta Angela

She stops crying and I wipe her tears and nods her head

I see Angela roll her eyes a little bit but I ignore it

Ivy walks back over with the car seat "ok I got it, I'll put it in" she goes to hook up the car seat "come on baby get in your car seat"

Skylar doesn't say anything and gets in her seat "what's wrong bean" Ivy asks her with a concerned look on her face

I see that Angela has a scared look on her face and I smirk a little bit

"Daddy's girlfriend was mean to me" Skylar says whining a little bit and Ivy nods her head and starts to take her shoes off

"Ivy, don't it's all good I took care of it" I say to her, so she don't beat someone up in front of our daughter

"Dominic you know I will beat the fuck out of your girlfriend, get that bitch in check before I do it for you" she snaps at me and I smirk

"I know" I say, she puts her shoe back on and kisses Skylar's head "I love you bean, I'll see you later ok?" She says and Skylar hugs Ivy and says "I love you too mommy" Ivy shuts the door and waved goodbye to our daughter as I pull out of the gate

Today is going to be a good day

Ivy 🧍🏾‍♀️

"And I'm going to beat the fuck out that bitch if she upset my daughter again and that's just on period, Dominic ain't going to save you every time" I say stabbing my fork into my salad

And Lucas agrees, we were out having dinner together "but enough about my drama, how's work?" I ask genuinely interested

I love the work that he does, he is a social worker but like a special type of social worker that helps children that was brought here against their will

I love to hear the stories, they break my heart but I love to hear the work that he does

We continue to eat and drink our wine, I'm only having one glass of wine though I drew the short straw for being the designated driver tonight

Lucas is starting to get drunk and that's our cue to leave, I get us to my car and buckle him up "don't throw up in my car" I tell him

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