How You Meet (A)

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You had just arrived at Beacon Hills and it was currently your first day at the high school. As you were organizing your things in your locker, you heard the bell ring, making you panic and search for your schedule in confusion. You closed your locker and threw your backpack over your shoulder, still not entirely sure where to go or how to get there. You looked up and noticed a cute boy staring at you from the locker next to yours.

"New girl?" he asked you with a side smile.

"Yeah," you sighed. "This is all so confusing..."

"Here, let me help," he took your schedule, quickly scanning it. "We have first period together, so I'll take you there. I'm Scott, by the way," he started conversation as you two began walking down the hallway.

"Y/N," you were looking at your feet as you walked beside him.

"Pretty name." You blushed and held your schedule closer to your chest.

"Thanks," you squeaked as Scott stopped in front of a door.

"Here we are," he motioned towards the door and walked inside.

"Scott. Mind telling me why you are late?" the teacher asked.

"Just helping the new girl find her way around, sir," he looked back at you, winking, before walking to a seat and sitting down.

"Oh, well, welcome..." he looked at you in a questioning way.

"Y/N, my n-name's Y/N," you mumbled shyly.

"You may sit next to Scott for the day, Y/N,"

"Okay, thank you, sir," you rushed to the seat next to Scott and he gave you a reassuring smile, which you returned. He didn't leave your side for the rest of the day.

You were at the comic shop, wanting to pick up a new one since you had read the rest of your collection three times over and yearned for something new. You browsed the Batman aisle, your favorite superhero, and saw that there was a new edition, but only one left. You excitedly rushed to it, but just before you grabbed it, someone else reached out and snatched it from your view. You looked up to see a boy with fluffy brown hair and inviting brown eyes with a hint of hazel.

"Hey! I saw it first!" you whined childishly.

"You read comics?" he looked at me in disbelief.

You scoffed angrily, "Great. Another sexist, trashy, good-for-nothing—"

"N-no! Not like that I promise! That's just really hot—Cool! I meant cool! If you read comics that's erm really cool because so do I!" He rushed, laughing nervously and rubbing the back of his neck. You held in a coo at how adorable he was.

"Sorry, it's just most guys would make a snide comment about how girls should stay in the kitchen," you sighed, looking down in guilt.

"It's okay," I looked back up to see him giving me a shy smile, "I understand."

"Well, if you're gonna steal my comic, might as well give me your number so you can tell me what happens," I smirked at him.

"Oh! Sure, I mean of course!" his face flushed red as he quickly wrote him number on a piece of paper and handed to you.

"See you later..." you glanced at the paper, seeing that he wrote his name on it as well, "Stiles."

"Bye!" he waved to you as you ran out of the store,

You were on your usual morning jog when you decided to take a new route. You heard the sound of rustling in the bushes, but ignored it as it's expected that there's wild life in the woods. You started to get a little freaked out when the sound started to get louder, but when you looked around, you saw nothing there. You sped up your pace until you were practically sprinting, but the sound still got louder. You turned around and began jogging backwards, searching everything you saw for the slightest bit of movement. You scolded yourself for being so childish and turned back around, bumping into somebody and screaming as loud as you could.

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