It was 3am, everyone was already in their pyjamas but they didn't care. They wanted to be kids for a little bit longer.

 They wanted to be kids for a little bit longer

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Mia and Monty will kill us

Our Moony-Sirius (the best marauder)

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Our Moony
-Sirius (the best marauder)

Absolutely pissed-Marlene (the hottest)

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Absolutely pissed
-Marlene (the hottest)

Absolutely pissed-Marlene (the hottest)

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Marles and Lils fell asleep

The couple we are all routing for #jeloise -moony wormtail Padfoot

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The couple we are all routing for #jeloise
-moony wormtail Padfoot

At this point everyone was asleep, only James and Eloise were awake. It was 4am.



"Everyone's asleep in here, do you want my bed?" James asked her.

"I don't want to take it from you, you take the side closest to the wall, I hate that side." Eloise says.

"Wait you want me to-" James was cut off. "Yes you idiot, I wouldn't have kissed you tonight if I didn't like you enough to want you to share a bed!"

"Okay good, I was worried you went off me in the space of 2 hours." James joked.

"Could never."

The teens went upstairs and the house was completely silent, nothing could be heard and it was pure peace.

They climbed into bed and almost immediately were nearly asleep.

"Goodnight love." James kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight James." She copied the action.

They drifted off wrapped in each others arms.



Sorry my updates have been shit, I finish school tomorrow so hopefully back to almost daily updates.

Thank you for being so patient :)

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