Start from the beginning

The miracle here was that the young man's cellphone was not damaged and only the roof of his room was damaged.

Because of this her mother was suddenly worried because she heard a noise in her son’s room.

What her mother was still thinking was that her son might have been struck in her room.

So her mother tried to open her bedroom but it was closed.

Fortunately, she has an extra key to open his room.

When she opened his bedroom his mother was surprised at what she saw.

Not only was she shocked but shocked that her mother was burned and the roof of his room was punctured.

She was also surprised because her son was not in his room and she was also surprised because his hidden Cellphone was there.

At that time the fire on the roof of the young man's room was quickly extinguished by rain.

But her mother is very worried why her son is not in his room.

Her mother even thought that it might be hiding in his room but he really didn't because her mother had searched all the inside their house and she didn't find it.

It was obvious that he entered his room and then closed it but the question now in her mind was how he disappeared.

When his mother noticed his cellphone had subsided as the rain outside.

When he touched and looked at the young man's cellphone it was turned on she saw on its screen and thought that it was always what his son was always playing.

She thought of uninstalling it but she saw something that Warning: The app cannot be uninstalled because your son is here. If you still want your son to come back, just watch his journey in this game.

Suddenly, his mother dropped the cellphone and did not believe what was happening.

Suddenly his mother came out of his room and called a carpenter to fix the roof of her son’s room.

The carpenter quickly fixed the roof and his mother paid him.

When the roof was finished, she wiped the floor of her son's room.

But she still doesn’t believe her son is in the game.

So she looked for him outside their house and called the police to look for her son but they could not find him.

His mother immediately went back inside their house and took her son’s cellphone.

The written warning disappeared and her mother saw "Press Start."

His mother pressed that thing and it was here that she saw her son inside the game startled.

Then another Warning screen appears: Just watch your child's journey. Do not press any buttons. If your child loses this game, he or she will never be able to return to the real world!

That's why her mother could do nothing but watch her journey inside what she always played.

She hopes her young son can get out of the game because they will only be a family of two.

Because the young man's father and his youngest sister disappeared in a car accident.

That's why the boy's mother just cried and hoped that her son Rex would return to the real world.

Meanwhile, to the young man.

The young man was shocked and surprised because he remembered what had happened.

"𝑴𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔" 3 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍)Where stories live. Discover now