"That's right! Get angry!" He took another gulp of wine and tossed the bottle of wine to the ground. The sound of the glass shattering on the tile floor made me jump. "Why are you doing this?" I cried out.

Before he could even answer, he dropped to the floor in front of me. Yasia stood over him as the pieces from the large decorative vase from my foyer shattered around him. His face smacked against the floor with a loud clap. She kicked him in the head. I sat stunned. My eyes wide opened, crying aloud, relieved and shaking.

"You okay, baby? What the fuck?!" She rushed to me untying and helping me out of the chair. "Did he hurt you?" I threw my arms around her neck, burying my face into her shoulders. "It's okay, Mari. I'm here, babe. Are you okay?" I pulled away from her. "Is he dead?" She rushed to turn on a light. "I don't know. I called the police." I massaged my wrists where the rope had been tied. "He is the police! How did you get in?"

She bent down to check his pulse. "You left the door open. He's still breathing. The police should be on their way. It's gonna be okay. Did he hurt you?" She grabbed his gun, aimed it, and shot within seconds. "Yas! What are you doing?!" She knelt down to his face. "Get me a glass of water. I thought surely that'd wake this muthafucka up." She pulled the ski cap off of his face, while I frantically ran to the kitchen to retrieve the water. As soon as I handed it to her she dashed him in the face with it. He woke up choking. "That's it...wake up muthafucka."

"What did you do?" He groaned. I looked down, his pants were still down. His entire crotch area was bleeding. "Shot your fucking dick off with your own gun. You won't ever get to do this shit to anybody else. I mean...your boys are on the way, so you'll probably be in prison. But just in case." She squatted down to him smiling tapping his forehead with his gun. "You a slimy muthafucka. I just know it. This is exactly why my baby is gonna abolish you dirty pieces of shit. Fucking scum. What's your name anyway?"

"Fuck you nigger bitch!"

Yas: Ohhh so we're resorting to racial slurs in times of distress. I just shot your whole ass dick off. You think I won't shoot you again?!
Me: Babe...
Yas: Nah, baby. It's okay. He call you a nigger bitch too? Cuz I think I might have a bullet for every nigger he let out.
Me: Let's just wait until they get here.
Yas: You should be begging for your life. You looking like the bitch. What you think, baby?

She patted him down until she found his wallet, pulling out a gold badge. "Officer Lee David. Why do I know that name?"

Me: He's...one of the officers who helped murder Andrew Tayson.
Yas: Oh, you dirty piece of shit.

She took the gun and busted him upside his head and watched him scream out in pain. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Police, drop your weapon!" Yas dropped the gun and fell to her knees with her hands up. "He's the robber. I'm the one who called!" She yelled out. "Don't fucking shoot me like y'all do the rest of us! We called you! Get his ass! He broke into my girlfriend's house and had her tied up. He beat her and tried to rape her! Get him!"

"Is everybody okay?" A female officer yelled. "Guys! This is the home of the Mayor Elect Webster. Lower your weapons."

"We're, we're fine," I cried. "He broke into my house. He's a cop. The cop that killed Andrew Tayson."

"Are you okay, Mayor Webster?"

"I'm okay. He knocked me out. But I'm fine. I think. He tried to rape me. She...she got here just in time."

"Lee, you sick piece of shit. Get him outta here," the female officer stood over. "They got you good. You deserve it. I've been wanting to get you outta here for a long time. Who knew you'd make it so easy?" she said to him. I took a look again and realized it was one of the officers from my campaign headquarters.

Yasia ran over to hug me. "It's over." I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you. Thank you." She pulled back, holding my face between her hands. "I love you too, Mari." I cried hysterically. This is not how I envisioned this moment. I would tell her I loved her over a nice dinner or a romantic date. But a robbery? While a man lay bleeding on my kitchen floor. Not this way. "I love you," I cried again.

"We need a medic," one of the officers called out. The female officer called on her radio. "Suspect down. We need an ambulance at 3621 Winding Creek Trail." She released the button on her radio as Yas handed her his badge. "Oh you won't be needing this anymore you slimy muthafucka." It was clear that she hated his ass. I was afraid to even know what all he'd done to terrorize Black people.

He winced in pain as three officers tried to lift him from the floor. "Get his ass out of her house. Set his ass out there on the curb, bleeding all over her shit. You're pathetic." She looked at him with disgust. As soon as they got him out of the house, she walked over to me. "Are you okay?" She turned off her body cam.

"Yeah. I think so," I replied. "Thank God you were here." I looked at Yas, holding her hand tighter. "I'm going to see to it that his ass never sees the light of day. Breaking and entering, assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, intimidation of an elected official, sexual assault, kidnapping, hate crime, attempted murder whatever I can put up in the police report. I want the DA to nail his ass. I am so sorry." She gave me a hug. "We have to stick together."

"Hey, Adams! I got Sarg on the line. He's gonna try to get a search warrant for David's house." An officer called from my foyer. "Good. It wasn't enough that he's already facing charges of Andrew Taysom. He'll be in prison for the rest of his life."

The investigators came in to take photos of the scene. There was blood and glass shattered everywhere. When we went into the living room so that I could give me initial statement, we realized that he had completely destroyed my living room. My furniture had been sliced up, TV shattered, pictures smashed. "What the fuck?!" Yasia exclaimed. "I'm sorry, baby." I wiped tears away. "It's fine. It's okay. Things can be replaced. Just make sure he doesn't make bond. He needs to be locked up until his trial. That's all I ask."

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