Leave Of Absence

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Hunger bit at Heather's flanks as she looked out upon the empty ground. She took a sip of water and sat down near the fire, Cait absentmindedly played with a stick . It was quiet, and if they were anywhere else Heather would say it was rather peaceful, however that was a stark contrast to how things were now. They stayed huddled by a nearby and long since abandoned house, and Heather herself wondered how long it had been since anyone had occupied this space. Before she could begin to ponder however hunger hit her again, she looked at the blazing embers then to Cait. "How long ya think we've been out here?" Cait asked, green eyes pondering "a few days, a week, I don't know" Heather said throwing some dried leaves into the flames. Heather mentally kicked herself, she should have brought more supplies if one of them got hurt. She shook away the thought before clearing her throat and continuing "how long have we been hiding out in this house?" Heather asked. And Cait merely responded by holding up two fingers, Heather shook her head before handing her canteen over to Cait, who gave and understanding nod before taking a sip. The two women were silent for a moment before Heather spoke again "we'll need to go on a run for food" Cait nodded knowingly. "We ran out a food the day before we got here, I don't remember passing any buildings before we found this one though." Heather merely sighed as she began to fidget with her pipboy "ya heard anything from Preston?" Cait questioned "no and it's pissing me off" Heather grunted before continuing "yeah let's just send are general to scout out new settlements, without any idea of where the fucking settlement is in the first place." Heather soon admitted defeat and left her pipboy alone "well I think yer goin' great" Cait admitted. "Thanks Cait that means a lot" Heather said with a sigh as she let all of her stress leave her body. It was growing dim with both women not knowing what to do they continued to sit around the fire that was now reduced to smoldering embers. Caits eyes were closed and Heather wondered if she was sleeping, Heather got up and began to make her way into the dank house. The floorboards creaked underneath Heather's feet but she paid it no mind, she merely made her way to the sleeping bags and pulled both of them over her shoulder. On most days she would be able to carry both these items no problem but today was difficult, she struggled trying to keep the bags on her shoulder and she was lethargic and dizzy. However she made it back to the camp fire despite the struggles, she laid both down a few feet away from the fire pit that was now practically all ash. The air smelled damp and Heather wondered if it was going to rain and she internally groaned at the thought of having to lug them back inside. Before she could reach over to tap Cait awake she heard the faint noise of huffing. And for a moment she was convinced it was Cait but her ears soon focused on the noise. It didn't sound human, and much too clear to be a goul, not deep enough for a deathclaw or yaoguai. Heather paused and grabbed her combat shotgun she held at her side, she focused her breathing and waited. She began to hear light footsteps she breathed waited for it to round the corner and fired. The ragstag buck fell to the ground lifeless with a large thud, Cait sprung up it shock before seeing what had conspired. Heather smirked at Cait, the two women spent most of the night and early morning preparing the meat. The sun was just beginning to rise and the two woman finished their work, they ate well that day. With the sun now at its highest Heather began to pack up "what are ya doin'?" Cait questioned knowingly. "I'm getting ready to go home and tell Garvey his derections were off, he won't like it but" Heather shrugged as put the last of the cooked meat in her bag. "Thank god" Cait exclaimed as Heather put on her bandana, Cait was already a few paces ahead of her when she slung her bag over her shoulders and began to walk down the broken road. The treck was long but quite uneventful, Heather wondered why Preston had wanted them to come down all this way for nothing. Or maybe Heather herself was just wrong, she didn't know, they had made several stops on the road and whether it be the new found energy she had or her fueled determination to ask Garvey just what the hell had happened they made it back to sanctuary within the sun rising on the second day. They crossed the bridge footsteps light "Hey we're here" Cait boomed as the guards at the front let them pass with generic lines of welcome. Heather turned her head from this as she began to look for Preston, she heard barking a ways away and dropped her bandana from around her face. She whistled for him and the german shepherd came bounding towards her tongue lolling and eyes bright as he licked her hands excitedly. She took out a piece of meat from her bag and handed to her canine companion, he took it gently and paced a few feet away to eat it in peace tail wagging. She strained her eyes in the early morning raise, she saw her and immediately felt comforted, she however was looking for dogmeat before spotting her. Heather dropped her bag and made her way hastily over to her, Pipers eyes lit up and she immediately fell into Heather's touch nuzzling herself into her and kissing her neck. "Where have you been? I was so worried" she asked in a mumble. Heather didn't respond she only kissed her lover on the forehead before peeling away much to Piper's disapproval. "Where's Preston?" Looking down into Pipers beautiful hazel eyes "in the house across from ours" Piper stated matter of factly. "Thank you hun" Heather whispered as she pulled away from her lovers arms "blue what are you doing?" Piper asked softly "just going to ask some questions don't worry" Heather reassured as she took Pipers face into her hands softly and kissed her lips. She started her way to the house seeing several familiar faces and some just passing through. She stood in the doorway and lingered for a moment before walking in gently and speaking. "Garvey I'm back and I've got some news" he emerged from the back room a confused smile painted on his face. "Glad to see you back general, but why have you come back so soon?" "Soon huh? Preston I was gone for days you told me that more minutemen would show up but they never did. We almost starved out there, never mind not having enough supplies!" She paused as she took a seat upon a broken chair, head in her hands "I'm tired Preston" she spoke in a whisper. He didn't speak, he didn't move, he just stared "I'm sick of going on your little reconnaissance missions that never go anywhere. I don't want anyone to get hurt, I don't want my friends to get hurt." "Well what about you" Preston edged gently "aren't you afraid of what might happen to you?" Heather didn't speak her eyes went dull and her mind hazed. The silence was broken by Heather clearing her throat before speaking low "I'm taking a leave of absence" the words felt strange in her mouth. And she couldn't help but mentally laugh, to her it was almost like asking for time of from her nine to five job. But this wasn't a job, peoples lives were at stake and she felt the slightest twinge of guilt in the pit of her stomach. "For how long" Preston asked with no discernable emotion on his face "for a while" was her only response. "I want you to take over for me while I'm away" Preston merely nodded knowingly "where are you gonna go" he asked to which she could only shrug. "I'll be back" she reassured as she placed her hand upon his shoulder with dull eyes but a warm smile. "For the commonwealths sake I hope you make good on that promise" and with that Preston turned away leaving Heather to make her exit on her own accord. She walked outside and felt the sun hit her skin once again, and she grinned slightly. She had yet to know what this new found freedom would bring her. But she breathed a new found sense of relief, she did not now that she had been needing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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