

"Do you see that over there?"

"Over where?" Yeji looked to her right, squinting in the direction that Ryujin pointed in. Meanwhile, as fast as she could, Ryujin reached over and squeezed Yeji's ankle, earning a surprised yelp in response.

"AH!" The older woman's hands swiftly found her ankle, protectively wrapping around the area in hopes of soothing it with gentle rubs. "What the hell was that for???"

"Just making sure you weren't faking it."

"Why would I pretend?"

"Beats me."

***     ***     ***

"You should've been more responsible, Yeji. I expected more of you."

She bit her lower lip, not wanting to be scolded by yet another individual, especially not her manager. He was a big sweetheart, always took her best interest into consideration. Still, he was often intimidating when instances became much more pressing.

"Th- there's some good news, though," hoping to ease the man, his voice a bit frightening, or perhaps Yeji was just too sensitive today with every little thing running through her mind.

"And that is??"

"Now I don't need props for the following scenes." She tried to brush it off, her nervousness apparent to the man on the other line, but he didn't join in on the laughter.

"Is that so?"

"Yes... "

"Next time, your recklessness might not play out in your favor, Yeji."

"I know." She bowed her head, disappointed in herself probably just as much as he was, if not more. However, she did notice his voice soften, even just a tiny bit. That was enough to give her just a fraction of relief.

"Good. Be sure to take care of yourself. We'll talk later."

Yeji hung up the phone, supposed she'd be scolded some more next time. She was also glad the director hadn't gotten mad, or at least, he didn't visibly show any anger. It was relieving to receive a head nod when she said it would make future scenes involving this more realistic and that the doctor suggested it wasn't serious. The specialist insisted that her injury was feeble compared to those he's had experience with treating, claimed that she'd be able to walk on it in two weeks, likely healed within a month.

"I didn't know you utilized method acting." Meanwhile, Yeonjun walked by, double-taking the view in front of him, not conscious of his best friend's injury quite yet. "You're taking this role kind of seriously."

Ryujin snorted, the situation more amusing now than it was the previous night. "They're not exactly props."

"What do you mean?"

"I, uh," she paused, cleared her throat out of embarrassment because she didn't sharply remember how it happened. Even she didn't believe that a stupid ice cube laying on the floor was the culprit to her predicament. "I twisted my ankle."

"Are you stupid???" Her best friend immediately crouched down, eyeing the wound. It was impossible to see beneath the latter's pants, in turn worrying him much more.

"Ask her how it happened."

"Ryujin!" Yeji shot back, faced with an all too familiar teasing grin. It was taunting in a playful way. She couldn't determine whether Ryujin was purposely behaving this way recently or if the blonde naturally began to fall into routine according to how they used to be back then. It was tedious to think about.

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