The 'Joys' of Parenthood

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"Is this the place?"

"Yeah, the person calling said they lived in Bavarly Hills." 

Once they managed to save Foxtrot from Gaz's wrath, the group splat up to take different jobs and earn the remaining money as quickly as possible. Ilk and Blue took a babysitting job that seemed simple enough. The area, called Bavarly Hills, seemed to be the rich neighborhood of the city. Most of the buildings were manors and states with wide gardens and expensive-looking adornments. It took them a while to find the house they were looking for.  

Blue tentatively rang the bell to the giant state. Unlike most regular doorbells he'd heard so far, this one rang in a musical tune.

"Vandork residence. If you're a boy scout selling biscuits, we're not interested!" a gruff voice spoke through the intercom. 

"No, no, no! We're not boyscouts!" Whatever that means, Blut thought. "We're here for the babysitting job."

"Oh. Come in, then."

The metal fence doors slid open, allowing them entry. The two walked down the white brick path towards a big, white house. Ilk eyed all the flowers and carefully trimmed bushes growing all over the garden. It almost reminded her of the Tallest Tower back on Irk, but in shades of green.  Blue knocked on the door, but there was no response other than the sound of numerous dogs barking. 

"Hello? Anyone home?!" Ilk called out. Again, no reply other than barking.

"That's odd, they said they'd be home." 

A wrinkled old man with short white hair, bags under his eyes, and dressed in a black tailcoat slowly approached. He looked like he rarely cracked a smile, if he ever did at all.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cobalk, right?" he inquired unblinkingly.

"That's right. Would you mind opening the door? We tried knocking but there doesn't seem to be anyone home." Blue said.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken, sir. That building is not the manor. It's the doghouse for the masters' dogs."  The man pointed to an even bigger mansion on the other side of the sidewalk. "That is the masters' household if you'd be so kind to follow me." 

Blue blinked; he'd heard that hyoomans like spoiling their pets, but this is ridiculous. Ilk had to grab his hand and lead the way as she followed the old man into the mansion. Judging by the attire and manner of speech, this guy must be the butler. From what she'd read, all millionaire families have them, and hyoomans weren't any different. 

The butler led them into the grand foyer and asked them to wait while he went to fetch the masters of the house. A few minutes later, a man in an elegant suit and an impossibly thin woman dressed in a sparkly black dress walked down the stairs, quietly followed by the butler. Blue couldn't help but stare at the woman's heavily-make up face. Back in Sobr, females only wear a bit of warpaint when they go out to a public place if they're single. It didn't seem to be the case here, so hyoomans must have different rules regarding it. 

"Good afternoon, sir and ma'am." Ilk started politely. "We're here for-"

"The babysitting job, I know." The man interrupted. "I'm Darwin Vandork and this is my wife Lydia Vandork."

"We're going to the Ópera tonight and we need someone to look after our babies. We don't like the idea of leaving them alone with Ramsey after what happened the last time!" 

"I already apologized for that... incident, ma'am." the butler simply said. 

"An apology won't make up for the trauma that my poor babies went through!"

VindictiveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora